
Everything You Need to Know About the MGT Act Implementation

Agencies looking to fund projects through the Technology Modernization Fund now have a clearer path to do so. Last week, the Office of Management and Budget sent out memo M-18-12, which set into motion the Modernizing Government Technology Act that President Trump signed into law in December 2017. Two days later, OMB announced the sevenRead… Read more »

Using GIS to Tackle the Opioid Crisis

Even as the opioid epidemic escalates, many government officials may not understand the true scope of the problem. But geo-enabled data and GIS mapping tools allow communities to visualize an accurate picture of how and where opioid abuse is impacting its citizens. GIS can provide a holistic picture of drug abuse, collect data in real… Read more »

Endless Possibilities for the Public Sector

In the private sector, there is no shortage of examples of successful industry disruptors. However, the public sector faces a unique challenge: How do you keep pace with private industry? How do you innovate in a market that is moving very quickly, especially when it comes to technology?