Professional Development

November Online Training Schedule

Sure, November is typically a busy month, with Daylight Savings wreaking havoc on us all and the hecticness of kicking off the holiday season. But making time for professional development shouldn’t get pushed to the back burner. Check out the full list of November online trainings below, and remember, all sessions are recorded — soRead… Read more »

5 In-Demand Skills for Modern Government Workers

Modern government employees need five in-demand skills to stay relevant, said a government workforce expert at the October 2024 NextGen professional development virtual summit. Here’s what they are and why they matter.

Leadership Excellence: A Guide for New Government Supervisors

Becoming a successful government supervisor involves blending technical skills with strong leadership qualities, fostering innovation, building supportive networks, and continuously developing oneself through mentorship, training, and leveraging technologies such as AI to drive team performance and public service excellence.

Breaking Free: Is Your Career Coiled in a Small Tank?

In a thought-provoking speech, a motivational speaker and former Miss USA used a metaphor of a snake’s growth being limited by its small tank to illustrate how environments can hinder personal and professional growth. Here are telltale signs that you are thriving in your professional “tank,” or that it’s time for an upgrade.

Building a Data-Driven Culture in Government 

Data is central to countless government modernization initiatives, whether it be the comprehensive overhaul of new agency data governance, feeding public-facing dashboards, or the training of an AI model. But nearly as important as data itself is the culture that surrounds it. That’s why it’s imperative for all government teams — not just IT teams… Read more »