Project Management

Logic Models: The Best Way to Ensure Proper Program Design and Implementation

Good Idea + Smart Design + Effective Implementation = Successful Program! Logic models are great way to gain a better understanding of a program and its position within the overall organization. Many program evaluators recommend organizations, especially public and nonprofit, create these models to ensure that a program is effective in meeting its intended goals.Read… Read more »

Breaking down the first year of PortfolioStat

Last March the Office of Management and Budget unveiled PortfolioStat. The goal was simple, help agencies save time, money and resources by giving them a tool to asses their portfolio management process. Andrew McMahon is a Senior Policy Advisor at OMB. He oversees PortfolioStat. McMahon was a panelist at an AFCEA Bethesda event that theRead… Read more »

Thinking Outside of the Bin: Dayton Combines Technology and Incentives to Increase Recycling

Dayton, Ohio, utilizes tracking technology on recycling bins and monetary incentives to encourage more citizens to recycle. In September 2010, Dayton, Ohio, launched an incentive-based recycling program meant to encourage residents to become more proactive about recycling. The program consists of two components: (1) a technology component that involves asset-tracking technology on recycling bins andRead… Read more »

Pres. Nominates a new FBI Director – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The Agricultural Research Service’s Ken Lithicum studies deadly insects who terrorize plants, animals and humans. His work has saved millions of lives in Africa and the Middle East and has made him a Service to America Medal Finalist. Meet him! The SEVEN stories that impact your life President Barack Obama hasRead… Read more »

Could the Scandal at IRS Discourage Decision Making?

By now everyone has heard about the situation brewing over at the IRS. But here is a brief refresher: A Treasury Department inspector general criticized IRS management for not providing sufficient oversight for agency workers who evaluate applications for tax-exempt status. The report said that laxity contributed to workers screening for words like “tea party”Read… Read more »

Best Practices for Addressing Fraud in the Public Sector

Cybersecurity, identity management and fraud are common and prevalent challenges across both the public sector and private sector. Industries as diverse as credit card issuers, retail banking, telecom service providers and eCommerce merchants, are faced with fraud threats ranging from first party fraud, commercial fraud, and identity theft. And, if for a second you happenRead… Read more »

MOOS Project Viewer 3.0 – Support for Microsoft Project 2013 Files

Stand By Soft is pleased to announce the release of MOOS Project Viewer 3.0. Current version adds support for opening Microsoft Project 2013 files. At the same time the application now offers native integration with Ubuntu operating system. After several months of development a major version was released that added support for reading Microsoft ProjectRead… Read more »