Great Info!
This is very useful information. I’m not involved in focus groups but the approach can be used with any workgroup that’s assigned to develop a new project. Thanks!
This is very useful information. I’m not involved in focus groups but the approach can be used with any workgroup that’s assigned to develop a new project. Thanks!
Sunday marks the official start to the Congressionally recognized Public Service Recognition Week. The annual celebration of federal employees and the work they do. This year feds face an austere budget climate, low employee morale and dissatisfied constituents. So PSRW is a nice break, to take a step back and say thank you. Tom FoxRead… Read more »
I get a lot of email. Between the different things that I’m involved in with my kids, friends, work and random other things I’m engaged in, it translates into lots of mail. It also sometimes translates into important things that probably should be kept track of but due to the sheer volume of emails incomingRead… Read more »
A few weeks ago we talked with Deloitte’s Dan Helfrich about how feds view their leaders. To be frank, it isn’t positive. Check out the recap here. So how do senior execs feel? Deloitte and the Partnership for Public Service are back with another survey to answer that question. Helfrich is a Principal at DeloitteRead… Read more »
By Chris Poole and Lyttleton Shurland You don’t have work in the federal budget field to know that agencies are closely reviewing every budget line item to see where they can streamline to reduce costs. It is vital that government Program Managers (PMs) understand the importance of building and reporting on sound business cases forRead… Read more »
When it rains, it pours! April saw a lot of action regarding the federal performance agenda. The big news for many was the announcement last week that Shelley Metzenbaum, who is the Office of Management and Budget official spearheading the Obama Administration’s performance management initiatives on a day-to-day basis, will be leaving to return homeRead… Read more »
One of the things that most people in the knowledge work force do every day now is sell. We sell ideas, viewpoints, or particular positions on how to move forward and I think there’s this leftover negative connotation around sales from an era that’s long gone. I think a lot of people when they hearRead… Read more »
No matter who you are I think it’s always nice to get a compliment especially if it comes out of the blue and you weren’t expecting it. Somebody says something nice and it can just change your whole day. For the better part of the last week or so I’ve been working pretty hard onRead… Read more »
I had a business school professor that said you had to be careful with statistics because it was like driving using the rearview mirror. I’m reminded of that because one of the major things I’ve spent the last couple weeks working on is some financial projections and trying to build out a business case. ThisRead… Read more »
On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The best way to maximize performance is to make data based decisions. But that process is easier said than done…or is it? We get real examples from Federal Management Partner’s – John Salamone. But up front: Sequestration Day 56 Sequester hits Boston terror trial — David Nather—The Massachusetts public defender’s office,Read… Read more »