Project Management

Sequestration Management Tip: Level With Your Employees

Sequestration is here, and it’s here to stay for at least a little while. And this new reality has created some major management challenges for government leaders. So how do you manage through the uncertainty? Tom Fox is the Vice President for Education and Outreach at the Partnership for Public Service. He told Chris DorobekRead… Read more »

Seven Steps to Successful Supervision

Whether you’ve been a supervisor for years or are new to managing people, the relationship between you as a supervisor and those you supervise is one of the most important. But between long, busy workdays and stressful situations, that relationship can get ignored or thrown out the door entirely. Elisa Ortiz, deputy director of governmentRead… Read more »

Is Government Just Pockets of Excellence?

Government is full of the best and the brightest, in fact, you might argue that the world’s foremost scientist, engineers, topic experts all reside in government. So why is it so difficult to make progress? “It’s a pocket of excellence issue,” said Richard Spires, CIO, DHS, ” he told the crowd assembled at the Excellence.GovRead… Read more »

Sequestration Fixes Could Still Hurt Feds? What Are They?

Sequestration carries the threat of widespread furloughs of many federal employees, but the alternatives could amount to a case of pick your poison for those same feds. Eric Yoder is a staff writer at the Washington Post. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that, “many of the alternatives are the same things thatRead… Read more »

Why Don’t Any Big Cities Have Municipal Broadband?

I haven’t written a post in a while, but reading an interesting article in Atlantic Cities today, Why Are There No Big Cities with Municipal Broadband Networks?, I was reminded of some past posts and wanted to take the opportunity to bring some thoughts together. The largest city in the United States with its ownRead… Read more »

Can You, Should You Telework?

More than 109,000 people have pledged to stay home this week. It’s all part of National Telework Week. The 3rd annual experiment allows agencies to test telework strategies for one week. Dan Kent is the Federal CTO and Director of Solutions at Cisco. He told me that Telework Week is growing, already this year’s pledgesRead… Read more »

Sequestration & Your Retirement – How the Cuts Effect Your TSP? Plus Your Weekend Reads

DorobekINSIDER’s Issue of the Week: No surprise, it’s sequestration. You can see some of the top GovLoop sequestration stories here: We Answer Your Sequestration Questions – The What, Why, When of Furloughs Know your rights if you’re furloughed So that means furlough notices could go out as early as Monday. Furloughs would obviously cause aRead… Read more »

We Answer Your Sequestration Questions – The What, Why, When of Furloughs

Sequestration goes into effect on Friday and the quickly approaching deadline has feds asking a lot of questions. Like when will furloughs happen and for how long? Last week we talked with John Mahoney a partner and chair of the Labor and Employment Law Practice at Tully Rinckey about knowing your rights if you areRead… Read more »

HR tops GAO High Risk List – What’s the Relationship to Budget Cuts, Sequester?

For the 12th year in a row human resources issues have topped the Government Accountability Office’s High Risk List. (You can find our conversation with the GAO here.) But really how can agencies improve hiring and retention with hiring and pay freezes plus budgets cuts and the threat of sequesters? Tom Fox is the ViceRead… Read more »