Project Management

For young feds is the pace of government change too slow?

Retaining and engaging young feds has been the drum beat in government for awhile now and will probably continue to be for the foreseeable future. But one of the main stumbling blocks for agency leaders has been the pace of government change. Millennials are quick to adopt new technologies and programs. But the government isRead… Read more »

Is March the Armageddon for federal budgets? Sequestration, CR, 2014 and more

March may go down as one of the worst months ever for federal budgeting. Take a look: Sequestration goes into effect on March 1st. 1.2 trillion in across the board cuts. Continuing Resolution expires on March 27th. In order for a budget to be passed by April 15th the House and Senate need to beginRead… Read more »

Gov Misrepresents $1.55 trillion in grants? How did it happen?

The Sunlight Foundation reports that $1.55 trillion dollars has misrepresented in federal spending in 2011. That baffling number is just one of the findings for the Clearspending report. But how can that happen? And how can agencies adequately manage when they don’t have a firm grip on their spending? Kaitlin Devin is a senior webRead… Read more »

“Service to ServiceMembers”

For 13 years, ACT-IAC’s Awards have recognized government programs – and government employees – for applying technology to improve government. In 2013, the 25 Finalists continue to demonstrate that government employees DO go the extra mile to get results. puts lie to stereotypes about government employees. One of the areas we can allRead… Read more »

First pay your bills, then love your work

Follow this or any other website dealing with profesional life or organizational leadership and you quickly see a common theme of encourging individuals to focus on self actualization, leaders to focus on serving followers and employees to live their passion through their work. Doing the job, taking responsability for deliverables and earning a living appearRead… Read more »

Finding your true north: Leadership Principles for Agencies

We get it, being in government is tough and it’s only getting tougher with budget cuts and sequestration. But one way to weather the storm is to cling tight to your leadership core principles. Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service. He told Chris Dorobek onRead… Read more »

10 Trends for Program Managers – Are You A Secret PM?

Budgets and time are tight, so one of the trickle down effects has been the evolution of the program manager. Now more than ever, people are taking on the role of program manager with little or no training. So how is it working? ESI has brought together senior executives and subject matter experts to identifyRead… Read more »