Project Management

Economic Woes and Wins: Government Budgeting Breakdown

In just two months the government will be faced with sequestration. And that has everyone in and around government worried. But Michael Keating says there is some room to be optimistic about next year’s budgets across all levels of government. Keathing is the Senior Editor for Government Product News Magazine and publishes his annual KeatingRead… Read more »

Secrets of Persuasive Proposal Writing

Evaluating boring proposals is akin to biting into a cardboard cake. As a poor evaluator sinks their teeth into the unappetizing content, the effect is predictable and rather expected. Highly readable text is paramount to getting a great score for your proposal.To be persuasive and appealing to the evaluator’s senses, your proposal text has toRead… Read more »

Implementing Organization Performance Measures – Best Practices

Measuring various aspects of your organization’s performance requires the transformation of data into useful “knowledge” for decision-making. Most organization’s find it relatively easy to measure financial performance as there are commonly accepted principles and reporting practices that everyone uses. Measuring other aspects of your organization so that the information can be used for effective decisionRead… Read more »

Millennial Mayhem – Managing, Training and Capitalizing

Next year, millennials will make up more than 35% of the federal workforce. That’s a staggering number of feds who will all have been born after 1976. So how can leaders really connect, train, manage and capitalize on their talents? Logan Harper is community manager for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s SchoolRead… Read more »

Don’t get blindsided by fiscal contraints – Management is what matters

When the President was Inaugurated on Monday, he unveiled a broad agenda for the next four years. But one thing was missing from his inaugural address – civil service reform and management. But Tom Fox says in order for any of the other priorities to be successful you first have to have strong leadership andRead… Read more »

Pardon Our Dust – A Much Needed GovLoop Refresh is Coming!

The GovLoop team, with the aid of the good folks at Forum One, is currently in the process of pushing a few new updates to the site in our continual efforts towards better usability and an overall more pleasing user experience. So if you see strange things happening around the site, please bear with us!Read… Read more »