Project Management

A Primer For Local Government Officials Who Want To Jump Start Economic Development

Any easy way to grasp “how to jump start local economic development” is to understand that every community across America {except where the sale of liquor is prohibited by a municipal law or County ordinance} has three types of bars? There are trendy upscale bars – the nightclubs, supper clubs and ethnic pubs. Places whereRead… Read more »

Your Transition Survival Guide: DorobekINSIDER Live

DorobekINSIDER Live: Surviving the Transition A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! It’s the third time we’ve met and we are doing this at least once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when itRead… Read more »

OpenCounter: Code for America and Santa Cruz strike permitting gold

The City of Santa Cruz is the smallest community to ever partner with Code for America, but it had one of the largest problems to solve: how to make it easier to take an idea for a small business from conception to reality. From a concept to a permit. They created an online permitting portalRead… Read more »

Inauguration is coming are you ready?: Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: As the world has become dependent on IT, so has the federal government. Leveraged effectively, technical tools can engage the public, create cost savings, and improve outcomes. These benefits are obscured by regular reminders that federal IT is fundamentally flawed. It is too big to succeed,” said Zachary Bastian. Find outRead… Read more »

Is government IT TOO big to succeed?

As the world has become dependent on information technology (IT), so has the federal government and its constituencies. Leveraged effectively, technical tools can engage the public, create cost savings, and improve outcomes. These benefits are obscured by regular reminders that federal IT is fundamentally flawed. It is too big to succeed,” said Zachary Bastian. TheRead… Read more »

Low Cost FAC-COR Training is available anywhere in the United States and overseas by Distance Learning

COR DISTANCE LEARNING ACCEPTABLE FOR FAITAS You won’t find more cost effective Distance Learning anywhere NEW courses available to take for Level III: COR Level III BASIC Course $895 60 CLP Credits COR Level III Refresher…… $595 40 CLP Credits Sequestration to hit Agencies on March 27 Get your COR Certification Training for Level I,Read… Read more »

Thinking in the Moment: Three things you should drop everything for and do right now

Recognizing when and what to drop everything for and just do it is a valuable skill In my blog post on “Getting Things Done: Three key takeaways that will change your performance,” I mentioned that one of the biggest takeaways that I had from the book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free ProductivityRead… Read more »

Free Webinar: Adopting New Technology

Is your organization adopting a new technology? Of course you are! Unfortunately, the all-too-common experience is that the anticipated benefits never materialize. MB&A Academy Instructor, Bob Daniel, discusses the motivations driving the adoption of new technologies, the factors that disrupt adoption, and what you really need to do to be successful. You’ll leave with aRead… Read more »