Project Management

Measure Your Office’s Success

I believe I run a very effective office. But it’s not enough to believe it, or even for others to say it, it’s important to be able to measure and demonstrate it with data as well. The best way to demonstrate effectivess is to measure your office’s results and benchmark those results against competitors. ButRead… Read more »

Project Management Survival Guide

Last week, GovLoop hosted our Government Innovator’s Online Summit. In the fifth and final session, “Project Management Survival Guide,” we heard from two experts in the field of project management, Dr. Bill Brantley and Scott R. Macrae. First up was Dr. Brantley, certified Project Management Professional (PMP), who provided attendees with some advice on managingRead… Read more »

What’s Your Type? The MBTI Way of Understanding Each Other in the Workplace

I spent this Saturday in a 5 hour session all about the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and how to translate an understanding about personality types into a tool to help navigate the workplace. If you’re not familiar with the assessment, it’s a quick quiz that determines your personality type along 4 trait dichotomies. In anRead… Read more »

Still a few seats left! Leading Change in Government – Executive certificate course at Georgetown (Sept 25-27)

As a government executive, you often are tasked with leading change or achieving increased efficiency in your organization. Leading Change in Government, presented by Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business on Sept. 25-27, is designed exclusively for government executives and draws on the latest research to equip you with the specific skills and tools neededRead… Read more »

Extreme Makeover – Government Management Edition

We’ve all seen those Extremem Makeover shows on TV, right? Well many management experts are suggesting that the government needs an extreme makeover of its own. But Bill Bott, a contributor for Governing, says agency leaders should be cautious to jump on the latest management fad. Bott told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program thatRead… Read more »

Learn from Experts: How to Build a Great Government Website

Did you miss “Govloop’s Government Innovator’s Online Summit”? Never fear, you can learn what you missed at our training on “How to Build a Great Government Website” right here. Right now. You ready? This past Thursday, we were delighted to have Sheila Campbell, (Director of the Center for Excellence in Digital Government), and Hillary Hartley,Read… Read more »

ACT-IAC Oct. 4 Forum to Address Big Data Blues

In spite of the Obama Administration’s recent $200 million investment in the Big Data Research and Development Initiative many agencies continue to struggle to find the necessary funds for Big Data projects, while others are challenged to build the proper infrastructures to handle them. Simply put, agencies recognize the importance of Big Data, yet ITRead… Read more »

Government Reform: The Colombia and South Africa Examples (Part 3)

Several developing countries are making seemingly breathtaking progress in developing performance management frameworks from scratch. What can we learn from them? Today’s focus is on Colombia and South Africa. The World Bank seminars this past Spring on international progress in performance management continue to have me mulling about the progress of the performance movement internationally,Read… Read more »

Top Challenges for a Project Manager

Project management is an interesting area of study for government. On GovLoop, we have lots of great resources for project managers, we even have a great upcoming training for government employees during our Government Innovators Online Summit show on Thursday, here are the details: Project Management Survival Guide- 3:30-4:30PM EST Government is becoming more andRead… Read more »