Project Management

Mars Curiosity – Over Budget, Big Success?

This crops up all the time. What’s the definition of a ‘failed project’? Look at Mars Curiosity. The program was initially budgeted at around $1.5B and came in at $2.5B for development and launch. Sure, some people question that expense, but for the most part I think they just don’t ‘get it’ on the importanceRead… Read more »

The Secret sauce to program management success and the Facebook effect on the election

On today’s program Do vague requirements cause programs to fail? Click here for the full recap. And in the DorobekINSIDER water-cooler fodder: What does a VP nomination do to your number of Facebook followers. Sequestration — yes, again A trade association representing major defense contractors is projecting mass layoffs of air traffic controllers and closingsRead… Read more »

Is Time Buffering Dishonest?

Hello Josh, I have been following your site and information for some time now and have always found it to be helpful and insightful. I have a question that to be honest I never really thought about until yesterday. The topic is on the project management best practice of time buffering. It is common andRead… Read more »

Announcing The GovLoop Guide: Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap

GovLoop is proud to announce our latest guide, The GovLoop Guide: Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap. Technological advancements have enabled government to improve how services are delivered to citizens. This guide focuses on the technology that has enabled government to increase productivity, improve performance and innovate proactively. Throughout this report, we highlight the top trendsRead… Read more »

Possible Opportunities via potential contract with Army National Guard!

Good Afternoon everyone! My name is Nakia Raglin and I am a Corporate Recruiter with STG International in Alexandria, VA. We’re currently recruiting for Program Managers, Assistant Program Managers, and Risk Reduction and Suicide Prevention Program Managers to provide support for a potential project under a contract with the Army National Guard. For more information,Read… Read more »

Clarifying Change with An Action Plan, Or How to Avoid the Yada Yada Yada

Originally published on Tri Tuns blog Insights. The now classic Seinfeldian “yada yada yada” is a phrase so many of us (still) use to headline a story and gloss over details is – like most comedy – a double-edged sword of both humor and truth. Of course, the “yada yada yada” ceases to be funnyRead… Read more »

Imagine Getting A Building Permit In 24 Hours

Dealing with the bureaucracy of government is frustrating for citizens and employees. What should be a simple task often takes months and involves multiple departments. Many government officials just accept backlogs and delays as the way things are done while others push for ways to improve how government operates. The Phoenix Arizona City Council recentlyRead… Read more »

What the 8 Disqualified Olympians Teach us About Management

Around the world, one of the more surprising stories from the Olympics has been the disqualification of eight badminton Olympians. The disqualifications were for attempting to lose games to play lower ranked teams. I thought this story was perfect to start a conversation on leadership, and as managers, the importance of not enabling poor behavior.Read… Read more »

Michael Sampson, User Adoption and the Formula for Success

Originally published on Tri Tuns blog Insights. As ‘user adoption’ is becoming a better-known aspect of IT implementations one thought leader in particular stands out. And one of the things we at Tri Tuns love about Michael Sampsonis his distinct ability to distill the complexities of user adoption into an easily understood and digested reasonedRead… Read more »