Project Management

Storm’s Impact On Amazon Data Center Renews Cloud Concerns

This post was originally published in AOL Gov. To read the entire article by Wyatt Kash, click here. Federal agencies and regional data center operators, including one operated by Amazon Web Services, are still taking stock of the impact of widespread power outages that began Friday night and continue to leave large swaths of greaterRead… Read more »

Agile, Iterative, Modular – Get Beyond The Buzzwords

Whether you call it Agile, Iterative, or Modular project management, most agencies are transitioning some of their projects from traditional waterfall methods to techniques that focus on shorter-turnaround, regularly reprioritized deliveries of working products (be that software or other). To increase government workers’ knowledge of these techniques, ASPE, Inc., invites you to register and attendRead… Read more »

Happy 4th of July! Brief Reflection on The Four Freedoms

Happy 4th of July to the GovLoop Community! Last night I was reading a little bit about Norman Rockwell, I was feeling patriotic due to the holiday and decide to read a bit about some of his work. Just doing some Googling on Mr. Rockwell I was reminded of his series of paintings, The FourRead… Read more »

Army Camo Controversy – Endangered Soldiers?

I’ve read a lot lately about recent news that the US Army is contemplating a replacement of the Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP), also known as digital camo because of it’s pixelated appearance. First, know that I’m not an Army insider, and there are conflicting stories out there about the circumstances around UCP’s adoption in 2004Read… Read more »

This Idea Is Sticky

It delights me every time I discover a way that the world of knowledge available to human kind is applicable across disciplines. Granted, the book Made to Stick is intended to apply as a guideline without any particular discipline in mind, only communication and retention of ideas in general. I’m working right now to makeRead… Read more »

Mark Twain – User Adoption Specialist?

Originally published on Tri Tuns blog Insights. Recently I stumbled on a page of Mark Twain quotes. I realized that the insights and teachings of a man who died decades before modern information systems were even conceived may hold some of the greatest lessons for how to deliver successful technology adoption programs. While Mark, whoRead… Read more »

Digitizing medical records in a disaster and has cybersecurity morphed into cyberwar?

On today’s DorobekINSIDER When disaster strikes and you need medical attention, Dr. H. Allen Dobbs is the man to call. He revolutionized the world of disaster medicine. And for his work he has been nominated for a Service to America Medal. Click here for the full story. Has the cybersecurity conversation morphed into a conversationRead… Read more »

How an “Open Project” Approach Can Change the World

How do you tackle a large-scale, complex challenge that evolves over time, involves thousands of stakeholders, and where there is no clear solution? For example, is there a road map for how the Internet evolved? Could we do it again? IBM Center author David Witzel examines the evolution of the Internet over the past fourRead… Read more »