Project Management

The High Costs of FISMA and Google Lobbying, and More

Today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2012 currently being debated in the House of Representatives would cost the federal government an estimated $710 million through 2017. More here. The hacktivist group UGNazi has taken the official CIA website offline with a Distributed Denial of ServiceRead… Read more »

2012 Digital Government Conference (dg.o 2012), June 4-7, 2012 at the University of Maryland, College Park

The 2012 Digital Government Conference (dg.o 2012) is taking place June 4-7, 2012 at the University of Maryland College Park (a few miles out of Washington, DC). Marking its 13th year, the conference brings together an international community of leading digital government researchers and practitioners to discuss such key topics as open data; open government;Read… Read more »

How spies and cloud computing fit together, the future of Gov 2.0 and are you suffering from social media overload?

How spies and cloud computing fit together, the future of Gov 2.0 Suffering social media overload? by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Tuesday April 25, 2012: Cloud computing and the intelligence community… it seems like an oxymoron, but could it be a perfect fit? Gov 2.0 — What’s happening and where are we going?Read… Read more »

What’s Counted and What Really Counts

As a Project Management Professional, you probably spend a lot of time with numbers. You’re constantly checking to ensure schedule, quality, and cost are under control. This is good because that is an important part of your job, but is it the most important part? Consider the quote below: Not everything that counts can beRead… Read more »

City Changes Its Culture To Become Cheaper, Faster, Better and Friendlier

Over the past ten years the City of Carrollton Texas has grown in population from 80,000 residents to 120,000 residents. The City of Carrollton has also implemented a culture of managed competition estimated to have saved the city $30 million over the last decade. Despite an increase of over 40,000 residents, the city still operatesRead… Read more »

It’s about community!

I heard an interesting story this weekend on NPR’s The State We’re In. In “Street Warriors”, host Jonathan Groubert talks to evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson about The Binghamton Neighborhood Project in Binghamton, New York. Wilson mentions that residents of Binghamton, himself included, don’t really have a great sense of community and the city hasRead… Read more »

Is that data big or realtime? Classifying data correctly can make all the difference

Data comes in many different forms, and depending on the form of data, it can totally change its use. For example, realtime data has different applications than data not in realtime, same goes for big and small data. While speaking with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER, Tim Davies, a PhD student in the Web ScienceRead… Read more »

How GSA’s getting data anywhere, at anytime, the TSP’s Roth Option and Untangling Big Data

How GSA is getting data, anywhere, at anytime, the TSP’s Roth Option and Untangling Big Data by GovLoop Insights On the program today for April 23rd, 2012: We’re going to talk about what GSA is actually getting it right. Last week, I moderated a discussion about mobile technologies and how it is changing work. Ahead,Read… Read more »

RSVP Today for 5/15 Re-Imagining Customer Service Roundtable

Please join GovLoop at our next GovLoop Conversations Event on May 15th as we explore ways to improve customer service in government, share best practices and avoid common roadblocks. To register for this event, please follow this link. We hope you’ll join us! On May 15th at The Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government Roundtable (RegisterRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Students Fundraise amidst NASA Budget Cuts

In college, the Political Science Club I was Treasurer of once held a fundraiser to take a trip to Washington, DC, raising a total $11.64. Raising a ton of money wasn’t the point, though. The point was simply to show that we care about visiting DC, and that the Student Association should allot us aRead… Read more »