Project Management

Full Spectrum Cyber, Social Engineering Against Industrial Control Systems, and More

Today’s federal cybersecurity and IT news: Maj. Gen. Suzanne Vautrinot, commander the 24th Air Force and Air Force’s Cyber Air Component to USCYBERCOM emphasized the importance of “full-spectrum” cybersecurity that prepares for offense, defense and exploitation. More here. The U.S. Cyber Emergency Response Team warned of social engineering attacks against utilities’ industrial control systems byRead… Read more »

Politics. Ethics. Economic Literacy.

Many of the pressing moral and political issues today have an economic origin. Students especially need to have the critical tools to help them evaluate economic policy issues and the principles underlying and dividing them. At the UH Hobby Center for Public Policy, we now have the means to provide students with such tools. ARead… Read more »

Influence-Ability: Being The Leader People Want to Follow

Shawn, HR Manager, recently was chosen to lead a special project to streamline all HR processes. Members of the project team include fellow managers throughout the company, including two managers in remote locations. “This project is a nightmare,” Shawn complained. “My team members ignore my e-mails. They ‘forget’ team meetings, or, worse still, they comeRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: April 20, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Live from Brasilia. Alex Howard has been writing (and recording video) from the Open Government Partnership confab in Brasilia. For those of us who could not make it, he’s helpfully posting all his media in one place. Yet more on mobile and BYOD. Michael Hardy writes an article asking if BYOD is “trendRead… Read more »

Red Sky Alliance and Collaborative Cyber Sharing: It’s good to give, but it’s better to receive!

Editor’s note: This guest post from JeffStutzman of the Red Sky Alliance provides context on a topic of tremendous interest in the community, collaborative cyber security information sharing. – bg Government sponsored hackers, advanced cyber criminals, and even unskilled hactivists operate with relative ease against our information systems because of the sophistication of new toolsRead… Read more »

The PRECISE Act, Law Enforcement Data Exchange, and More

Today’s federal cybersecurity and IT news: The Promoting and Enhancing Cybersecurity and Information Sharing Effectiveness Act of 2011 (The PRECISE Act) passed the House Homeland Security Committee though members had concerns over whether it was sufficient. More here. The Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice discussed information sharing through N-DEx, the FBI’s nationalRead… Read more »

Top 5 Traits of a Great Infographic

Infographics have become an extremely powerful way for government agencies to quickly and efficiently synthesize complex data for citizens. In terms of data, you typically have people in two camps – the folks who want to see the raw data file and manipulate data accordingly and then the people who want to find information quicklyRead… Read more »

Terrorism Research Center Reconstitutes as Non-Profit Organization

I took great pleasure in reading the release below regarding the reconstitution of the Terrorism Research Center. The founders of the Terrorism Research Center (Matthew Devost, Brian Houghton, and Neal Pollard) are all highly regarded national security professionals and thought leaders who bring years of proven past performance to helping the nation think through someRead… Read more »