Project Management

Tax day gets less taxing via video–Will new IRS VTC pilot program work?

According to a recent article in Fierce Enterprise Communications, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is looking to provide support and a helping hand to Americans drowning in a sea of tax laws and paperwork. However, the IRS has limited resources, and obviously can’t be present to help every struggling American. It’s for this reason thatRead… Read more »

An Improving Economy Could Mean Loss of Employees. Will They Stay or Will They Go?

When accounting for the costs (both real costs, such as time taken to select and recruit a replacement, and also opportunity costs, such as lost productivity), the cost of employee turnover to organizations has been estimated to be up to 150% of the employees’ remuneration package. In the case of the public sector can, orRead… Read more »

GovLoop Industry Perspective: Honolulu 311 Case Study

The following post is an excerpt from the GovLoop Industry Perspective Case Study featuring the Honolulu 311 mobile app. This is part of the GovLoop Industry Perspective Series. You can view the entire case study below or view here. The Honolulu 311 Mobile App is powered by CitySourced. In early 2012, the City of HonoluluRead… Read more »


Jay Deragon has written a post, Social Shifts In Thinking, about how the American economy has fundamentally changed, and not for the first time! It’s a short post, well worth a read. His last sentence is You can’t see the solutions unless you change how to think about solutions. The same day I was treatedRead… Read more »

Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

Do you struggle with this too? It can take different forms: ‘Doing it yourself’ when it would be better to let someone else handle it. Gold plating, which is adding more features because you think they are ‘cool’. Putting extra effort towards something other than your product without any potential value to the customer. AndRead… Read more »

HelpMeConsult: Independent Guide to Formal E-Consultation

Also announced today was HelpMeConsult, another online resource for online consultations. From the blog post: The second lanch is a solo project. It’s called ‘HelpMeConsult‘ and is an independent guide to (formal) eConsultation. It contains details of the various solutions, legal matters and tips/tactics. So, just another data push? Wrong! We’re adding a premium contentRead… Read more »

Bug Bounty Programs : Encourage Responsible Disclosure

Bug Bounty Programs Encourage Responsible Disclosure From Hackers The idea that you might pay someone else to keep quiet a vulnerability while you fix it may seem a bit backward to some in computer security. It would also seem to invite attacks on infrastructure. It’s no surprise, then, that many companies with technological products don’tRead… Read more »

Making the Most out of Temporary Assignments

You’re given a temporary assignment. Maybe you’re an intern or a fellow. Maybe you’re a new employee who’s been given a wonderful opportunity to rotate through various departments – hopefully making you a well rounded employee down the road. I had the pleasure of talking with one of my coaching students this morning who isRead… Read more »