Project Management

GREAT WORK: 23 bright ways to use social media in the public sector

There was a brilliant update on Twitter the other day which hit the nail right on the head. “The best social media,” it read “doesn’t happen in an office.” That’s dead right. For a long while now I’ve been arguing that communications people should share the sweets, relax a little and learn to let go.Read… Read more »

Steering By The Rear View Mirror

As corporate and government leaders we depend on data and historical trends to make sense of today’s economy. We look at quarterly performance, study charts of changing sales numbers, analyze trends in housing prices, and examine the number of new jobs created last month. Unfortunately, much of the data has been disappointing, or worse, veryRead… Read more »

3 Free Ways to Hold a Virtual Mentor Session by Video Chat

Although open to all, this blog post is dedicated to participants in the GovLoop Mentors Program! More than 70% of the mentoring partnerships in the GovLoop Mentors Program do not work in the same city. Even those pairings that are co-located geographically are likely finding it tough to schedule a time to meet face-to-face, in-person.Read… Read more »

Steering By The Rear View Mirror

As corporate and government leaders we depend on data and historical trends to make sense of today’s economy. We look at quarterly performance, study charts of changing sales numbers, analyze trends in housing prices, and examine the number of new jobs created last month. Unfortunately, much of the data has been disappointing, or worse, veryRead… Read more »

7 Lessons from the GSA Scandal, Finding the Right Career for You and Vets Coming Together to Rebuild Communities

7 Lessons from the GSA Scandal, Finding the Right Career and Vets Rebuilding Communities by GovLoop Insights On the program today for Wednesday April 11th, 2012 Why that GSA conference matters to all of government. You’ll get seven lessons learned with Tom Fox from the Partnership for Public Service. Finding out WHAT you want toRead… Read more »

Video — How Vets are using their military skills to rebuild inner-city neighborhoods

The U.S. military is increasingly being called on to build communities — in Iran and Afghanistan. Veterans are now doing that here at home — The 6th Branch— a group formed by a group of veterans and they are using their skills they learned in the military to rebuild inner-city neighborhoods. The 6th Branch isRead… Read more »

7 Big Takeaways from the GSA Scandal — how they can apply to you too

The GSA conference scandal is bad for GSA and bad for government in general. Lavish spending in a time of extreme budget cuts doesn’t help anyone. But there are some lessons to be learned. Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at PPS. He’s compiled his list of the seven things allRead… Read more »

PMP Boot Camp Training – Why Not?

I am learning American Sign Language (ASL) right now. My ASL II course final was last night. It was difficult, but I think I did OK. You may not know this, but ASL is it’s own language. With learning any new language, there are standard things like sentence structure unique to the language, vocabulary, etc.Read… Read more »

Experience DISA

As one of the true leaders in our nation’s defense or as I like to call it, the “Apple” of our Nation’s defense, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is an organization that has shown the ability to be a starting and finishing point in terms of career progression with the federal government. DISA has anRead… Read more »

Should Government Reorganize Itself? (Part IV)

Would “virtual agencies” be an effective alternative to traditional structural reorganization initiatives? If so, what needs done to make them happen? When Vice President Gore’s reinventing government team was being formed in the early 1990s, he encouraged it to not focus on reorganizing agencies and programs, but rather to fix what’s inside the agencies. HeRead… Read more »