Project Management

Health Technology Startup Incubator Launches in New York

Deanna Pogorelc (New York, NY) – In the midst of a good deal of discussion about incubators, a new health and wellness tech incubator has launched in New York. Rather than focusing on traditional medical and healthcare devices and drugs, WellTech Funding is targeting “bold and buildable” companies that tackle unsolved problems in the $2Read… Read more »

Lead With Technology, Not Trinkets

RIM, the maker of the Blackberry, continues to flounder, and many organizations are rightfully moving their mobility solutions to the ever more capable iPhone and Android platforms. Changing the device has the potential to bring the latest technology to the organization, but the risk is that the device is viewed as a “toy” to handRead… Read more »

Are Change Leaders Polarizing Figures Or Consensus Builders?

Mark Funkhouser a former Mayor of Kansas City has written an interesting post titled “Our Misguided Love Affair With Political Consensus”. Funkhouser states: “Journalists seem to see the ability to build consensus as the epitome of political leadership, but in actuality political leadership almost never involves consensus. Consensus favors the status quo, not progress.” Funkhouser’sRead… Read more »

Google Summer of Code 2012

Interested in civic data and doing something meaningful with your summer? It’s that time again for Google Summer of Code! Code for America is honored to be selected as a Google Summer of Code Mentoring Organization for a second year in a row. Every summer, Google devotes significant resources — time, money, and effort —Read… Read more »

Social @Work – “How tos” vs “Don’t dos”

As an Air Force vet, it’s hard humbling to point to another service and say, ‘Damn, they do that right.’ It’s especially hard humbling when I have to say, “Damn, the US Army* did that right.” The US Army’s Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Online and Social Media Division created a handbook onRead… Read more »

Mentoring Best Practices: Create an Action Plan

Although open to all, this blog post is dedicated to those mentoring partnerships who are part of the GovLoop Mentors Program! By now, most of you have completed your first meeting with your mentor/mentee. As Kathy Wentworth Drahosz outlined in her blog on the first meeting, you have broken the ice, and have set yourRead… Read more »

Workplace Griefbusting: Transforming Loss and Grief Ghosts into Creative Flow

In a 24/7 world that’s forever reorganizing, upgrading, and streamlining, employees and organizations are caught up in a cycle of change, loss of control, and uncertainty that may challenge mission and morale…but change and crisis also generate heightened energy, focus, and opportunity. However, many are not prepared to “let go and launch” because they areRead… Read more »

The Yelp for gov’t healthcare, Ranking state’s transparency and using virtual worlds to save real world bridges

The Yelp for gov’t healthcare, Ranking state’s transparency and using virtual worlds to save bridges by GovLoop Insights Tuesday March 27, 2012: Happy Tuesday… We have to start out with the historic debate at the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday over the health care bill — the first of three days of talks. The Washington PostRead… Read more »