Project Management

Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator at – The answer is at the very bottom: —————————— Activity / Duration / PredecessorA / 2 / StartB / 4 / A,EC / 6 / AD / 3 / B,CE / 7 / StartF / 2 / E WhatRead… Read more »

Small and Large Contractors Needed for HUD IT Modernization Efforts

See the latest from Deltek editor Anthony Critelli Budgetary pressure is a major challenge to the IT modernization efforts of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), noted director of Innovation and Open Government Stan Buch at a Deltek Federal Executive Breakfast in McLean, Va., on March 22. Deltek analyst Douglas West pointed outRead… Read more »

The 2012 Edition of American Pictures

Alli Jessing, Joint Programs Coordinator for the Smithsonian American Art Museum and National Portrait Gallery, fills us in on our upcoming lecture series, American Pictures. Speakers at this year’s American Pictures lecture series (clockwise from upper left): James McBride (photo courtesy of the author), Maira Kalman (photo by Rick Meyerowitz), Tony Horwitz (photo by RandiRead… Read more »

GovBytes: NY emergency call center: Consolidated and over-budget

Consolidation of services and streamlined systems are a good thing, and usually cut costs. But what if the project costs billions? New York City has consolidated its emergency call-taking system, a project that began in 2004, and was implemented this month, 7 years behind schedule. It was also $1 billion over-budget. Contract managers for theRead… Read more »

PMP Exam Tip – Always use the PMBOK Guides’s approach when answering PMP Exam sample questions

There is a bit of a disconnect that PMP Exam takers report as they are preparing for the exam. Because you must be an experienced project manager to take the exam, you bring years of experience in managing projects and using tools & techniques with you. Often, these are based on company internal project managementRead… Read more »

Open Source has a Cyber Security Posse Riding in to South Carolina March 28th

One of my favorite projects I have the good fortune to be contributing to was created by the US Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (that’s DHS S&T in Beltway lingo, the equivalent of the R&D arm of the agency for the rest of us mere mortals) It’s called the HOST program (HomelandRead… Read more »

Sales Culture

The discipline of sales does more than provide the funds that power the organization. The skills developed in the practice of sales have a far-reaching effect on the organization. Sales as Change Agent The fastest way to change an organization’s culture is to change what customers buy. Communication The skill to enlarge influence is communication.Read… Read more »

Flint, MI emergency manager plans halted

On Tuesday, a Michigan judge ordered that authority be returned to the Mayor and City Council of Flint, Michigan stalling the test case of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s plan to replace municipal leaders with corporate financial managers in cities and towns that are failing economically. The order issued by Ingham County Circuit Court Judge RosemarieRead… Read more »