Project Management

DATA Act featured on Majority Leader’s new Citizen Cosponsor platform

[Editor’s note: This post by Hudson Hollister hits on a topic at the intersection of technology, policy and collegial social action, all topics most of our readers seem to care deeply about – bg] The DATA Act – bipartisan, bicameral legislation introduced last year by Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Mark Warner – is aimedRead… Read more »

“Make It So!”

A previous post, “Putting Commercial Back in Commercial Item Contracting,” lead to an interview Monday afternoon with host Francis Rose on Federal News Radio’s “In-Depth.” During the course of the interview Francis asked if I had seen changes in behavior as a result of the Administration’s “Myth-Busters” campaign. I responded by citing GSA’s willingness toRead… Read more »

Are You Collaborating for Survival and Success?

Given the turbulent and changing times facing government organizations, it seems that trying to go it alone no longer makes sense but can result in serious downside risks to long-term survival. We all have to learn how to work smarter within the reality of ever declining resources. The importance of collaboration is more apparent thanRead… Read more »

Themes from the Federal Mentoring Roundtable

I had a great time last week at the Federal Mentoring Roundtable. It was such a pleasure to see some old friends and to meet new faces. One of the things I enjoy most about attending events like this is getting to hear all the different situations people are encountering. As I was reflecting onRead… Read more »

GAO Report: Effort to Consolidate Governmentwide Acquisition Data Systems Should Be Reassessed

Today I read through a recent acquisition report from GAO: Effort to Consolidate Government Wide Acquisition Data Systems Should Be Reassessed. There are a lot of interesting observations within the report. GAO performed the study to assess the acquisition strategy being used to develop the Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE). The report finds that progress hasRead… Read more »

The changing face of acquisition, disposing of your hardware, and States and local gov’s go digital

The changing face of acquisition, disposing of your hardware, and States and local gov’s go digital by GovLoop Insights Happy Tuesday. Up front today… two interesting items that sure show how times are changing. One… would would guess we would ever say Bon Jovi, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Urban DevelopmentRead… Read more »

Are You a Mentor or an Egocentrist?

A government-wide emphasis on passing along knowledge from one generation of federal workers to the next was underscored last week when the Senate passed legislation that includes a plan for Feds to work part time while mentoring newer hires and easing into retirement. Even OPM Chief John Berry was mentored early in his career andRead… Read more »