Project Management

Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator at – The answer is at the very bottom: —————————— You have just completed the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process for your project. You think at least 20% of the risks that you have analyzed may create 80% of theRead… Read more »

This Week In Computer Security

This week in computer security wasn’t as rough as in weeks past, with few major breaches or attacks of note. The real news this week comes in the form of leaked documents, exploits, and emails and an interesting operating system supposedly from the Anonymous collective. Anonymous OS: Anonymous supposedly released an eponymous operating system containingRead… Read more » – Data Sets I found that are interesting, and some suggestions

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the Canadian federal government’s open data portal. Over the past year government officials have been continuously adding to the portal, but as it isn’t particularly easy to browse data sets on the website, I’ve noticed a lot of people aren’t aware of what data is now available (selfRead… Read more »

Celebrating National Purchasing Month: Delaware’s network term contracts

Deltek Analyst Lindsay Clifton reports. To celebrate National Purchasing Month as well as Sunshine Week, Deltek is looking at statewide term contracts and spending figures often available as states become more transparent in their financial reporting. Delaware is one of the first states to display contract spend volume in an easily-analyzed form. We examined twoRead… Read more »

Local Governments Need To Embrace The Passion Of Amateurs!

One of my favorite quotes is: “ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead The first edition of Britannica Encyclopedias appeared in Scotland in 1768. In 11 years a group of Internet volunteers has ended the 244Read… Read more »

Civic institutes this summer (via Peter Levine’s blog)

Here’s a great little list straight from Peter Levine’s blog at… People interested in various aspects of civic education and civic renewal have a whole range of summer institutes to consider in 2012. At Tufts, we offer a Summer Institute of Civic Studies (a seminar with a strong focus on theory) followed by aRead… Read more »

Creating the Right Climate: Using Critical Success Factors To Define the Standard of Performance

You may not know that two of most important steps managers can take to encourage high performance from employees are to (1) tell them what is expected and (2) give them the tools to manage themselves to the stated objectives. What if there were a tool that helped you clarify expectations? Think about it… WhenRead… Read more »