Project Management

Montgomery Blair HS Science Program Extends Work Of Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Mendeleyev, Lovelace, And Some Famous Scientists As Well!

Jim Disbrow has been a Science Judge with the Junior Academy at the Washington Academy of Sciences for almost as many years as he has been a presenter at the Professional Development Institute (PDI) hosted annually by the Virginia Association of Science Teachers ( ). Props he lent were from his collection of PDI discrepantRead… Read more »

The Public Service – An Exclusive and Secretive Group

Social Connect via: If you haven’t read about it or heard about it yet, Nathan Jurgenson offers harsh criticism against the “TED” talks. What are TED talks? TED talks started as a one-off conference nearly 30 years ago. Since then, it has grown into two large annual events and several smaller regional TEDx events thatRead… Read more »

Andreessen Horowitz: Investing in, and nurturing, great capabilities for the enterprise

Andreessen Horowitz has a model I have not seen at any other Venture Capital firm, and that model is paying off for a broad ecosystem of companies, investors and enterprise IT professionals. From the standpoint of an enterprise technologist, the payoff will come by their support of firms fielding capabilities that will make a positiveRead… Read more »


by Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. The following is another section from Part 3 of my series “Toward a Definition of Enterprise Mobility.” I’m reposting this here from Google+ at the suggestion of Peter Tuttle, who recently made me aware of how GovLoop has been reorganized. This discusses the second of ten possible requirements forRead… Read more »

Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator at – The answer is at the very bottom: —————————— On your project you handle known risks by performing the Plan Risk Responses process. Which of the following would you use when you encounter unknown risks? A.) Risk ReservesB.) RiskRead… Read more » Remaking Public Participation

This announcement from the rom the eRulemaking Program Management Office comes from NCDD sustaining member Alexander Moll, Communication Specialist at the Environmental Protection Agency – eRulemaking Branch… WASHINGTON – In recent months, the eRulemaking Program, a Fed-wide E-Gov and Open Gov initiative, which manages has met with various groups and organizations to discuss waysRead… Read more »

Back Away From the Pronouns!

While pronouns have their place in the work world, writers want to maintain precision with their e-mails and memos to avoid confusion. So while I will concur that using pronouns can avoid verboseness, here are two pronouns to use sparingly and the reasons why. 1. Be precise rather than use “it.” If your memo reads,Read… Read more »