Project Management

Back Away From the Pronouns!

While pronouns have their place in the work world, writers want to maintain precision with their e-mails and memos to avoid confusion. So while I will concur that using pronouns can avoid verboseness, here are two pronouns to use sparingly and the reasons why. 1. Be precise rather than use “it.” If your memo reads,Read… Read more »

GovBytes: Criminal Identification Improves in Western States

Several western states have come together to improve their integrated fingerprint databases for a better criminal identification system. The states which participate in the Western Identification Network (WIN), a nonprofit responsible for the program, include; Alaska, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. The improved system will provide high-definition palm and fingerprint matching.Read… Read more »

How Critical Is Clarity on Government Projects?

Sometimes pronouncements get made and distributed in email format about a change in direction, etc. When this happens, I sometimes find that the person sending the message doesn’t have an understanding of the recipients. They have not put themselves in the “other person’s shoes”. Therefore, the message is confusing because key points are not addressed.Read… Read more »

We Feel Your Pain

As you read this, you may be going through many of the same things that I went through long ago. In fact you’re joined by thousands of other readers right now who are going through much the same thing you are. Some of us are trying to land our first job in project management, someRead… Read more »

Grieving the Sudden Death of a Beloved Mentor, Manager, and “Man for All Seasons”: The Personal and Transpersonal Art of Keeping a Spirit Alive

My Grief Intervention work continues. I believe there is much to learn being with people whose world has been tragically turned upside down. I hope I have done justice to their pain and plight. Of course, if I can help you deal with personal or organizational loss, through on-site grief intervention, workshops, or retreats onRead… Read more »

Predictive Policing with Big Data

Police Departments nationwide have been using data and statistics to drive policing since the 90s in an approach founded by the NYPD named CompStat was credited with dramatic reductions in crime and increases in efficiency. CompStat, a process and philosophy rather than a single technology or software, uses databases and GIS to record and trackRead… Read more »

Web Manager University Gets New Name. Same Great Training

Web Manager University, the federal government’s training program for web, new media, and citizen engagement managed by GSA, has changed its name to DigitalGov University (DGU). We changed our name to reflect the growing demand to help agencies serve customers through digital media and citizen engagement. Our broad curriculum includes training in social media, citizenRead… Read more »

Great day for 10 states: HHS releases $230 million for health insurance exchange efforts

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded 10 additional states funding under the Level One and Two establishment grants. Grant awards amount to approximately $230 million. Interestingly enough, Arkansas, which has opted for the federal exchange, is among the awardees. Legislation to establish an insurance exchange failedRead… Read more »

PMP Exam Prep video of the week:Practice all Question Types to Pass The PMP Exam

Hello There, We just uploaded a new video to YouTube at;=1 – It’s titled “Practice all Question Types to Pass The PMP Exam”. It provides an overview and explanation of the various types/styles of questions that you will encounter during the real PMP exam. Knowing the types is of course only one part ofRead… Read more »