Project Management

Contract Duplication, Small Business Goals and saving Taxpayer Dollars: What do they have in common?

With regard to contract duplication, last week’s post highlighted the Air Force’s recently issued RFP IDIQ for multiple award contracts for commercial office furniture. By its own terms, the Air Force’s acquisition strategy as articulated in its draft RFP duplicates current GSA schedule contracts for commercial office furniture. In fact, the RFP instructs offerors toRead… Read more »

February 8th Open House & Breakfast on Working Warrior Initiative in Springfield, VA

From Brittany Wismer via the Virginia Tech Alumni Group on LinkedIn: “MVLE is inviting our business community to breakfast & an open house to discuss the Working Warrior initiative and how MVLE is creating jobs for people with disabilities. MVLE ( is a dynamic nonprofit seeking to forge lasting partnerships with local and national companiesRead… Read more »

Ew. Seriously? So Gross…

Happy Friday Everyone! You know, the beginning of the year usually inspires us to change. Some of use choose to change the way we eat while some of us change the way we spend. The question is, can you do both? Weight loss programs can be expensive, but I think this guy has found theRead… Read more »

Live-Blogging Tech@State: “No Tweet Stops Bleeding.”

I’ll be live-blogging tech@state’s Real-Time Awareness throughout the day. To keep tabs on what’s going on, you can check out #techatstate on Twitter, or watch the livestream here: The opening keynote address was given by Craig Fugate, Administrator of FEMA. Fugate discussed the role of social media in disaster response and challenged the conventionalRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 03, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Gov 2.Overseas! Across the Pond. Alex Howard covers the release of GOV.UK, which in time is slated to be a single portal through which Brits can access all government agencies and, in Alex’s words, “aims [to] deliver[] faster digital services to citizens through a much improved user interface at decreased cost.” Importantly, andRead… Read more »

Living Room Conversations

Amanda Kathryn Roman of the Citizens in Charge Foundation and Joan Blades of and MomsRising are collaborating to launch a new and exciting project to promote civil conversations: It is an open-source project that provides a model for respectful conversations among friends & friends of friends around political issues that are typically polarizing.Read… Read more »