Project Management

When you can’t fire ’em – 5 Ways to Approach “Dysfunctional” Team Members

We’ve all been there. There’s someone on the team or on the project that’s juuuuust not quite cutting it. And wouldn’t it be great if we could all work under the Zappo’s employement philosophy: Hire slowly, Fire quickly. But how often do you have complete control over everyone working on your projects? You’ve likely gotRead… Read more »

Managing Organizational Change – Valuable Input from Our Clients

Here are the highlights from the First Annual Signature Development Organizational Development Roundtable discussion on Managing Organizational Change. Below you will find the major questions clients asked during the discussion as well as some of the best practices CHENEGA, U.S. Department of Energy and other client organizations are implementing to manage organizational change. Challenges: CreatingRead… Read more »

Notebook Or Pad?

I’m really low tech. I take notes when I talk with someone because I’m trying to figure out and remember what they mean. Also, I’ve noticed if I take notes, people lie less. I use paper, usually graph ruled, because the placement of the notes is an important part of the meaning. I tried toRead… Read more »

5 Tips on a Website Redesign

Cross-posted from Reach the Public Last week GovLoop, the online knowledge network for government employees, launched a redesign where we redesigned our home page and launched 7 new sub-communities. The purpose of the change was to increase the overall readability of the site and organization of the site. We had been hearing from our membersRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group: GOP lawmakers reopen fight over Keystone XL pipeline

As House Republicans reopen efforts Wednesday to win approval for the Keystone XL energy project, new lobbying records filed over the weekend reveal a lopsided spending battle over the controversial proposed pipeline. The Keystone pipeline has become an emblematic fight for those who see the pipeline as a North American job creator versus those whoRead… Read more »

2012 Public Lands Transportation Scholars Program

From the Eno Center for Transportation: “Applications are now being accepted for the 2012 Public Lands Transportation Scholars Program – Click here to apply. The Eno Center for Transportation is proud to partner with The Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in Parks Technical Assistance Center (TRIPTAC) on the Public Lands Transportation Scholars Program. TRIPTAC is lookingRead… Read more »

How the Quick Reference Guide can help you understand Section 508

This week the BuyAccessible team attended the IDEAS 2012 conference. At our booth, people told us that the technical language in the GPAT was difficult to understand. That language comes from the Section 508 standard, so we can’t change it. But… a long time ago we created a resource called Quick Reference Guide that wasRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Gingrich not a Lobbyist? Time to Change the Definition

Bill Clinton famously tried to claim he hadn’t lied about his relationship Monica Lewinsky by saying, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” Newt Gingrich similarly contorts the English language by claiming “I was never a lobbyist.” Perhaps Gingrich’s claim depends on what the meaning of the word “lobbyist” is. IfRead… Read more »