Project Management

Sunlight Foundation: Gingrich not a Lobbyist? Time to Change the Definition

Bill Clinton famously tried to claim he hadn’t lied about his relationship Monica Lewinsky by saying, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” Newt Gingrich similarly contorts the English language by claiming “I was never a lobbyist.” Perhaps Gingrich’s claim depends on what the meaning of the word “lobbyist” is. IfRead… Read more »

Governors push for changes to first responder broadband network bill

Congress may be moving forward on the public safety broadband network, but some Governors say that there isn’t enough involvement from state officials – the primary users of the proposed network. Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) and Wyoming Gov. Matthew Mead (R), co-chairmen of the homeland security committee of the National Governors Association (NGA), haveRead… Read more »

The Second Gate in the Pipeline: Managing Others

Congratulations! You’ve done well. Your performance has been exemplary and we would like to offer you a promotion. Go do great things! We know you can do it! You’ve gotten your first management assignment! Congratulations! Taking on that first management assignment is scary and exciting. You tell your friends and family. You wonder what theRead… Read more »

Transformational Leaders

With budget crunches for the foreseeable future, GSA Administrator Martha Johnson says “Tough budgets should trigger innovation, not fear.” And for many government leaders, innovation means transformation of their work and their agencies. The IBM Center has released a leader’s playbook for guiding transformation. The IBM Center report, “A Leader’s Guide to Transformation: Developing aRead… Read more »

Whats Next DC Live Blogging, Stephanie Schierholz, NASA Tweetup

People have tweeted in a lot of places, but who’d have thought that astronauts tweet from space? In 2010, NASA launched a new program in which they have astronauts tweet while they are circling the Earth. NASA also holds in-person tweetups (#NASATweetup) which help them gain media coverage, spread the word, diversify their audiences, andRead… Read more »

E-Text Books – Pros & Cons

E-Text Books – Pros & Cons by Robert Hahn As you are probably well aware tablets are everywhere these days. In fact a recent survey from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Live Project recently found that the percentage of adults who own a tablet PC or e-reader nearly doubled during the holiday season.Read… Read more »