Project Management

Daily Dose: Social Security Administration Worker Removed From Position Due to Age, Race, and Sex

Many of us have felt discriminated against, some more than others. Maybe you weren’t hired for a job because of your hometown, or maybe you got bad service you wore a partisan or controversial T-shirt that day. We often don’t notice if we’ve been discriminated against, but if you have, you may not get theRead… Read more »

Federal Law Librarians SIS Meeting – LexisNexis Update

DC Area Librarians: LLSCC’s Federal Law Librarians SIS is having a brown bag lunch program: LexisNexis Update with Marie Kaddell. Here’s the notice with all the information: Program Description: Marie Kaddell will provide an update on LexisNexis, including a look at the new LexisNexis Advance and LexisNexis ebooks. Bring your lunch and learn about newRead… Read more »

Ethical Oil and the Northern Gateway Pipeline Process

This piece is cross-posted from the Toronto Star’s Op-Ed Page. This week the “ethical oil” argument adopted by the federal government took an interesting twist. While billions from China pour into Canada to develop the oilsands and fund the construction of the Northern Gateway pipeline, on Monday the government announced its desire to revise theRead… Read more » – Mapping Human and Tangible Resources is a web-based database free for anyone to use to pool and publish alphabetized lists of resources and track frequency, levels and types of engagement at the grassroots. It was developed as an on-line Open Space architecture where individuals and groups function as a whole integrated system at all levels of community. Enter NCDDRead… Read more »

Obtaining Senior Management Buy-in

As I was teaching our IDIQs and Task Orders course on Monday, we were reviewing the best practices for a quick and efficient proposal development process. One practice was conducting a proper kickoff meeting. After attending many proposal kickoffs (some of which included a proper breakfast and a long PowerPoint), and then watching a proposalRead… Read more »

Get The Right Model

“It’s okay to talk to yourself. Just don’t tell yourself any lies.” Danny Evans, Carpenter Reality is complex. To understand and predict reality we build models, simplified versions of reality. Managers often confuse their model with reality. The model doesn’t care. When your model no longer works, build a new model. Since New Year’s, I’veRead… Read more »

Training – A must in any business environment, especially tough ones

In our current business environment should we train, not train, or delay training? That is the question. All one has to do is listen to the news, look at a magazine or newspaper, or attend a meeting with management to confirm that the government is in a period of significant budgetary challenges. Although we mayRead… Read more »


Translation is an extraordinary process. It is holding on to the essence of a thing while stripping away everything which expresses that essence and replacing it with a different language or a different form. Having pulled off this remarkable feat, the fate of the translator is then to be ignored: the integrity of the originalRead… Read more »