Project Management

Understanding ‘Open’ Terminology & Solutions

Having heard so many people using the terms ‘open systems’, ‘open computing’, and ‘open source’ interchangeably, believing they all mean the same thing, it seemed appropriate to write a short blog defining some of these terms and soliciting input on other ‘open’ terminology. In general, the term ‘Open’ often refers to initiatives whose inner workingsRead… Read more »

Case Study: Public Engagement at Tenaska’s Trailblazer Project

“The Tenaska Trailblazer Energy Center is a cutting-edge coal-fueled electric generating plant currently under development near Sweetwater,Texas. It is among the first such plants in the USA to include commercial-scale post-combustion carbon capture equipment in its design and will be among the cleanest coal-fueled power plants in the USA. Over the past three years, theRead… Read more »

Nuvo Quo

Change. It’s unsettling and exciting. It’s evolutionary and inevitable. It’s widely initiated and frequently resisted. Alvin Toffler, in his 1970 book Future Shock, says we can only take so much change before we hit overload and shut down mentally to additional change – like a sponge reaching its saturation point. The pace of change hasRead… Read more »

From the Apache Software Foundation Blog: The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Hadoop™ v1.0

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is an all-volunteer group of developers, stewards and incubators of technology. They bring us many of the technologies powering our enterprises and consumer solutions and are continuing to innovate in ways that are absolutely amazing and enjoyable to try to track. One of the greatest projects at the ASF isRead… Read more »

Jan 9 Event on Teaching America: The Case for Civic Education

Hosted by the Brookings Institution Monday, January 09, 2012 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM “Congressional approval ratings stand at an all-time low and grassroots movements such as Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party are mobilizing citizens to engage in the democratic process and push for change. But do America’s young people have the toolsRead… Read more »

Nothing about Iowa, only today’s political law links

ROEMER SEEKS PUBLIC FUNDS. News here. “The Federal Election Commission has only received one request for primary season matching funds, so far. It is from Buddy Roemer, who is simultaneously seeking the Republican nomination and the Americans Elect nomination.” OBAMA AMENDING. Politico. “It adjusted downward its contribution and cash-on-hand figures by a few thousand dollars,Read… Read more »

Why commercial buildings in the US don’t need a National Asset Rating Program for Commercial Buildings

Back in August the Department of Energy issued a request for information to develop a voluntary National Asset Rating Program for Commercial Buildings (AR Program). The thought was that an AR Program would establish an Asset Rating system for commercial buildings based on a national standard and would evaluate the physical characteristics and as-built energyRead… Read more »