Project Management

Oregon broadband expansion faces more hurdles

Oregon is facing more hurdles in its broadband expansion. Clackamas County, won a $7.8 million grant for its broadband expansion project designed to bring anchor institutions in the area online. However, because due to franchise fees, one of the larger city centers in the area may not be included in the network. Clackamas County hasRead… Read more »

Ricardo’s story

This month we are featuring a series of stories about our Fellows, in their own words. We hope you will enjoy learning how these remarkable young people are making our cities better places to live, work and play. I worked for the City of Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD) Greenspace Division during my CityRead… Read more »


I was watching a loser grinding to make a mark at a party. The more he tried, the worse he did. It was drunk and ugly. Suddenly I got it. To gain respect, you have to be respectable. Changed my relationship with the word. Previously respectable was nose in the air, Viennese middle class, notRead… Read more »

Top 5 Member Blogs of 2011

Top Member Blogs The internet is a weird place and getting eyes to your content is hard. Of course there are tricks like SEO (search engine optimization), catchy headlines, and in the case of GovLoop getting in the carousel or newsletter. But more so than anything else the thing that drives eyes to content isRead… Read more »

Don’t Worry; Trust the Government – Why Citizen Engagement is Difficult

It’s a rather obvious observation that the modern world is complex and confusing. There is a lot that have major influences on our lives but we don’t know much about. Things like climate change, global poverty, Mideast peace, etc. When we feel ignorant about a subject that affects us personally, we do research to learnRead… Read more »