Project Management

West Virginia broadband plan moves forward after delay

The federal government has approved West Virginia’s plan to get their statewide broadband plan back on track. The $126.3 million project has been delayed since early this year with state officials and private sector contractors blaming everything from the Washington D.C. earthquake to the tsunami in Japan as reasons for the lack of progress. TheRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Palo Alto, Calif., utilizes its utility companies to test new technology

The Silicon Valley and its citizens could soon become a testbed for emerging energy-efficient technologies, according to an article in GovTech. Palo Alto recently announced its plans to introduce a program, aptly named the Emerging Technology Demonstration Program, that would allow utility companies to evaluate new tech proposals submitted by private companies. If the proposalsRead… Read more »

MLW 2011: Veterans History Project, Value, and Connectivity

Tuesday at the 2011 Military Libraries Workshop included many informative sessions. Here are a few things that stood out from the programs today: You need evidence of the library’s value. Don’t use the wrong kind of proof of value such as: Inputs (resource counts) outputs (user counts) satisfaction service quality librarian time and effort NoneRead… Read more »

Planning for Stronger Local Democracy

A new guide can help citizens and local leaders decide how to make their communities more engaging, inclusive, participatory, and powerful. Planning for Stronger Local Democracy is built around two lists: the questions to ask about your community in order to take stock of local democracy; and the building blocks you might consider as partRead… Read more »

My New New Thing

With the new year rapidly approaching, it’s probably about time I wrote this down. As of January 2012, acidlabs will change its shape considerably. More than anything, this site will go back to being my personal site — a place where I write down my thoughts and musings on any number of things from politicsRead… Read more »

Going Postal – The Economic Impact of Resisting Change

Even when the inevitable stares us in the face, our natural inclination is to want things to stay the same. It is safe. We understand the rules and in the routine we find security. Nothing conjures up a sense of stability, reliability, and community more than the US Postal Service. And nothing is more inRead… Read more »

MLW 2011: In Norfolk, Virginia

I’m here in Norfolk, Virginia for the 2011 Military Libraries Workshop. This is the 55th Military Libraries Workshop and the theme is “Riding the Information Wave”. This year’s events include a DTIC boot camp; Veterans History Project workshop and presentation, offsite at the MacArthur Museum and Archives; and presentations on information overload, managing your library’sRead… Read more »

MLW 2011: In Norfolk, Virginia

I’m here in Norfolk, Virginia for the 2011 Military Libraries Workshop. This is the 55th Military Libraries Workshop and the theme is “Riding the Information Wave”. This year’s events include a DTIC boot camp; Veterans History Project workshop and presentation, offsite at the MacArthur Museum and Archives; and presentations on information overload, managing your library’sRead… Read more »