Project Management

Social Security Administration Takes First Step in Rescinding Questionable Retirement Review

Rescission order creates gaping loophole for Social Security fraud, says union. The American Federation of Government Employees cried foul today on the Social Security Administration’s plans to rescind Social Security Rulings 66-1c and 91-1c, which allow the agency to question retirement allegations made by corporate officers and the self-employed. “Development of questionable retirement allegations haveRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up December 02, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda On December 07, GSA is presenting a Webinar on social media metrics that I will be moderating. Here are some of the articles that I’m likely to touch on: Make it like a game. As the Apps for Healthy Kids site can attest, people are more likely to do the things they shouldRead… Read more »

An overview of MITA 3.0

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. A lot has changed in the Medicaid program since 1965. In the last few years alone, several legislative initiatives have changed the direction and policies of the Medicaid community, including (but not limited to): the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA), theRead… Read more »

FedInsider: Intel Community Operative Builds Electronic Crystal Ball

FedInsider: Intel Community Operative Builds Electronic Crystal Ball Deep in the intelligence community, a project seeks to build a model for detecting the future. Its goal is to someday give analysts a way of knowing what technologies are gestating in labs and research houses. If analysts knew which ones would emerge as successful products, suchRead… Read more »

District 5 Members Elected to Several AFL-CIO Boards in the Region

For the first time ever, District 5 now has seven AFGE members serving on the Executive Board of the AFL-CIO. This past August, Tennessee AFL-CIO Convention history was made when two AFGE Leaders from Local 2400 were unanimously elected as Vice Presidents of the Tennessee AFL-CIO. President Ron (B.R.) Hardison of AFGE Local 2400 wasRead… Read more »