Project Management

District 5 Members Elected to Several AFL-CIO Boards in the Region

For the first time ever, District 5 now has seven AFGE members serving on the Executive Board of the AFL-CIO. This past August, Tennessee AFL-CIO Convention history was made when two AFGE Leaders from Local 2400 were unanimously elected as Vice Presidents of the Tennessee AFL-CIO. President Ron (B.R.) Hardison of AFGE Local 2400 wasRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Save Money! Use Your Phone!

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. Today, some members of the GovLoop team headed to a DC lunch hot-spot for a special treat. They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch,Read… Read more »

Mission-Focused Analytics

What do we mean by “mission-focused analytics?” That is the focus of a new report co-sponsored by the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center for The Business of Government and released earlier today at an event with a panel of federal executives using analytics. “It’s like peeling back an onion. You cry aRead… Read more »

Are You the Next Face of GEICO?

Attention all GovLoopers with GEICO policies! Are you the next face of GEICO? As a proud supporter of Federal employees, GEICO is inviting a few policyholders to GEICO’s headquarters for a day of food, fun and freebies on Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 1:00 pm. GEICO also wants to hear your stories! Participants will beRead… Read more »

Some states leveraging SOA to streamline benefits systems

Lower revenues and budget cuts continue to dominate the agendas of state governments. Yet, demand for human services such as unemployment insurance and welfare benefits have seen a dramatic increase as people find themselves struggling and out of work. In this environment, many states are looking for ways to streamline their benefits systems to cutRead… Read more »

Dealing with Fear and Uncertainty in Government

Welcome to the new GovLoop bi-weekly blog on issues relating to the intersection of leadership and executive coaching in government. Let me first introduce myself. I’m Lee Salmon, a certified executive coach, who worked in three federal government agencies for 22 years until last year when I retired ( ). During my last ten yearsRead… Read more »

One Hour Until GOVgreen 2011 Exhibit Hall Opens

GOVgreen 2011‘s Exhibit Hall opens in just under an hour, so we thought we’d let everyone know about this year’s key dates and times: Exhibit Hall | November 30 – December 1, 2011 Wednesday, November 30: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Plenary: Greening the Private Sector 11:00 am – 12:15 pm Lunch-and-Learn Roundtables 12:30 –Read… Read more »

Local CO2 Mapping Takes Off (With Your Help!)

Last week (or was it the week before?) I blogged about what I see as a big problem with the issue of global warming: contextualizing it as something “global” instead of local. When you frame something as global, it becomes nobody’s problem. When you frame it as local, it becomes everyone’s problem. I suggested weRead… Read more »

And the 2011 Graduate Public Service Scholarship Winners Are…

It seems as if every story about government lately involves the budget in some capacity. Elected officials and government employees are tasked with the difficult process of creating solutions in the face of financial restrictions, and with budgets getting smaller and smaller, this task sometimes seems impossible. At GovLoop, we’re a bit more optimistic aboutRead… Read more »