Project Management

PMP Exam Tip: Answer All PMP Exam Questions From The PMBOK Perspective

The PMP certification examination is a computer-based exam that is offered at testing centers worldwide. The exam is based on much of the information contained in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). The questions in the PMP Exam are based on the following process groups from the PMBOK Guide: Initiating,Read… Read more »

Just Say “Yes”

There is a critical strategy when reaching out to new people. Are you implementing it? If you are trying to reach out to new people and grow your professional network and failing to get responses, read on. Why Is This Concept Important? This is the difference between being blown off and actually starting to interactRead… Read more »

West Kentucky and Tennessee move forward on largest wireline expansion

West Kentucky and Tennessee are moving forward on state broadband projects. The West Kentucky and Tennessee Telecommunications Cooperative (WK&T) is deploying FieldSmart, a platform for fiber management offered by Clearfield, Inc. Clearfield was chosen as part of a broader broadband expansion project funded through federal stimulus dollars to improve rural broadband access in both states.Read… Read more »

Explore City Art 3 Ways: On Foursquare, Twitter & Mobile Sites

Above, see the team Google+ Hangout photo shoot. The two hip dudes holding the heart? That’s Michael Ellsworth and Corey Gutch, the dynamic design team duo from the Seattle creative agency Dumb Eyes who also help to run Seattle’s monthly art walks. The refined, bearded gentleman? That’s Matt Blair, the culture-loving smartphone developer from PortlandRead… Read more »

Reasons to Consider Agile Work

Notes from PS Engage 5 minute talk on Agile Lean Startup, Strum – all types of agile work Teams that are self-organizing, incrementing, and delivering on short feedback loops Get results quicker – take big deliverables and break them down. Fail fast, fail often – if delivering in 2-3 weeks, if fail much smaller dealRead… Read more »

Vision for health insurance exchange design gets a little clearer

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. The inaugural Health Insurance Exchange Congress conference, hosted by the Institute for International Research (IIR) USA on November 9-11, 2011 offered considerable insight on the roles and functionality insurance exchange systems should provide to consumers. Anita Murcko, MD, and partner with Cambiare, LLC, identified three fundamental components of exchanges: aRead… Read more »

How to Brainstorm with Visual Aids

I see immeasurable value in focusing ideas, presenting succinctly, ensuring your visual aids are perfect for a 15 second viewing. This may seem an odd way to use visual aids, but you would be surprised at how effective it can be to brainstorm or even discover new ideas lurking in the audience. I discovered IgniteRead… Read more »

Connecticut, Illinois invest in green public busses

Connecticut and Illinois are making big investments into hybrid public buses thanks to a new round of federal awards. Connecticut was awarded $275 million and Illinois was awarded $5 million for hybrid bus projects. The funding comes from the U.S. Department of Transportation which is working to help states make public transit systems become moreRead… Read more »

GovBytes: What do Snoop Dogg and the West Virginia Chief Information Security Officer Have in Common?

According to an article in GovTech, they are both rappers. After West Virginia’s Office of Security and Controls won NASCIO’s 2011 recognition award for the “Risk Management Initiatives” category, West Virginia’s chief information security officer, Jim Richards III, submitted a video to NASCIO about the agency’s IT projects to be shown at the association’s awardsRead… Read more »