Project Management

Change & Transition – No They Are Not The Same Thing.

Change is never easy. Change is a bumpy process. But why is change so hard? Change is hard because it is an emotional experience for most. An emotional experience, particularly an experience one often has little choice in being part of, creates resistance. Resistance is a natural emotion, though an emotion that can make changeRead… Read more »

Motion Imagery Strategies in Broadcast: A key event for enterprise technologists

On December 1, 2011 between 8am and 5pm the National Association of Broadcasters will hold an event focusing on motion imagery lessons learned from the broadcasting community. The event will be a great opportunity to learn more about collection, analysis, reporting, production and dissemination of complex news and sports events. These are topics of interestRead… Read more » gets a facelift

The Recovery Board has given the home page of a facelift. In announcement today, the Recovery Board said it hopes the changes will make it even easier for citizens to view information on projects and awards as well as report waste, fraud and abuse. The home page changes quietly went into effect on Monday.Read… Read more »

Spotlight on American Education Week: grants in education

Deltek Analysts Emily Magurne and Erin Brady report. Grant funding for education initiatives is crucial to improving the U.S. academic system so students can get the most out of their education, and teachers can provide the best learning environment possible. Education-related grants that provide access to technology for students and faculty are incredibly important, asRead… Read more »

United We Stand: Enriching the Lives of Our Wounded Veterans

The US Olympic Committee is a leader in the Paralympic sports movement and dedicated to assisting physically disabled Americans. While the USOC is widely known for competitive athletic programs, it is also dedicated to enriching the lives of wounded Veterans and encouraging them to live an active lifestyle. Deloitte, a partner of the USOC, recentlyRead… Read more »

Are You a 21st Century Leader?

The Occupy movement is raising questions about leaders in business and politics. Motivated by corporate excess and government blundering of our nation’s economic system “occupiers” are expressing frustration and anger by taking to the streets. With a fuzzy message fueled by personal economic challenges and years of feeling powerless against “the big guys,” the unfortunateRead… Read more »

50,000 Strong

Today we as a community are hitting an awesome milestone. 50,000 members. That’s pretty crazy. I vividly remember the day in my cubicle at DHS talking to my colleagues about how there should be an online community to meet other government employees and share best practices. They thought I was crazy and it would neverRead… Read more »

Scrum is a World View

Guest post by Jim Kinter I’ve been thinking about how to help a colleague get his arms around a Scrum implementation that seems to be out of control and rife with what my friend Ken Schwaber refers to as “ScrumButs”. During our conversation, I cringed several times when reference was made to their “version” ofRead… Read more »

International Open Data Hackathon Updates and Apps

With the International Open Data Hackathon getting closer, I’m getting excited. There’s been a real expansion on the wiki of the number of cities where people are sometimes humbly, sometimes grandly, putting together events. I’m seeing Nairobi, Dublin, Sydney, Warsaw and Madrid as some of the cities with newly added information. Exciting! I’ve been thinkingRead… Read more »