Project Management

Is Your IT System a Dreamliner?

This article was previously published on the Tri Tuns blog. The 787 SHOWS US THAT NEW TECHNOLOGY BRINGS NEW RISKS REPORTED The Boeing 787 Dreamliner has been hailed as a revolutionary advance in technology that will provide the greatest advance in air travel since the Concorde. The Dreamliner uses new materials and technology and promisesRead… Read more »

My election campaign: focus on social media

So as you might already know I’ve enrolled for State Duma elections 2012 in Russia and going to represent interests of “Fair Russia” party. This post is about the strategy I’ve put down the election campaign that is mainly based on working with social media marketing that is actively used by different politicians. I’ve decidedRead… Read more »

Target Ideation to Get Your Leadership Excited

Catching the spark of excitement from leadership is the fuel to make any activity go forward. From the largest transformation effort to ensuring that all employees are able to wear comfortable shoes, it all starts with the support of Leadership. For government and large company Ideation efforts, this is especially true. But is top leadershipRead… Read more »

Federal Jobs By Major – Cool List

I get this question asked a lot – what federal jobs should apply for by major? Cool list by USAJOBS Federal Employment Information Fact Sheets: Federal Jobs By College Major Help Download the PDF file To help you choose the right career field, we have prepared the following table that groups Federal jobs thatRead… Read more »

Hadoop World Breakout Sessions 8 and 9 Nov: Recommendations for the enterprise CTO

Hadoop World 2011 is upon us. Once again the community, with the consistent/polite/leading/persistent coordination of Cloudera, has built a great agenda with the right speakers and great attendees for what is now the “must attend” Big Data event. For those who are attending, I can’t wait to see you there. We are going to beRead… Read more »

LAUNCH: Energy

This week, we celebrate ten disruptive innovations with groundbreaking ideas for provision and access to sustainable energy for both the developed and developing world populations. LAUNCH: Energy is a challenge of particular interest to NASA. Issues of sustainable energy are part of every human and robotic mission off of the planet. We have NO naturalRead… Read more »

Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator at – The answer is at the very bottom: ——————————You are managing a software development project. Your project team has developed a software product with many features but poorly organized documentation. Which of the following is correct in this scenario?Read… Read more »

Code4Russia – a new Russian eGov intiative!

A number of serious competitions among IT- developers that are aimed to implement new eGov services or projects that could be further used by authorities or other specialized companies have been conducted recently in almost every Western country. Developers in turn could derive a variety of benefits starting from free educational or qualification programme toRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Get Disconnected

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. Last week we were talking about air travel etiquette. As we saw, there is a time and a place for using your cell phone. With smart phones,Read… Read more »

PM Podcast Episode 197: How to Avoid Project Portfolio Failure – Part 1

This week’s episode of The Project Management Podcast: Many of you will remember Joel Fleiss ( from our past interviews with the PMI LA Book Club. We heard him review one of Patric Lencioni’s books. But Joel is more than just a book reviewer, he is a senior project manager and project management consultant inRead… Read more »