Project Management

Federal Coach: How to be Happy at Work

Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage and one of the world’s leading experts in human potential, has lectured on his research in 48 countries. After more than a decade at Harvard University, Achor founded Good Think Inc. to share this research with organizations worldwide. This interview was conducted by Tom Fox, author of theRead… Read more »

Does it Take Two to Tango?

Happy Friday everyone! They always say, three’s a crowd, but does it take two to tango? I think it’s safe to say, yes. Check back for next week’s GEICO Friday Fun Video! ———————————– GEICO was created in 1936 to provide auto insurance to federal government employees and their families. 75 years later, GEICO is oneRead… Read more »

What Next ??!! – The Art of the Government ECM Roadmap

Just back from our biggest ever users’ conference and the question on many government end users’ minds is “What next?” Not surprising in the current “New Normal” climate of risk reduction, cost-cutting and staff squeezes. Also, not surprising that when you invest in an enterprise technology, you continue to assess where and how to deployRead… Read more »

Finding Innovation

Last week I tried to connect the idea of disruptive innovation to Lewis Hyde’s anthropological analysis of the mythological trickster. The comparison hinged on a couple ideas, namely that both are focused on the breaking of traditional trade-offs, and that breaking those trade-offs results in a re-ordering of the status quo, a re-ordering that revealsRead… Read more »

Feds revoke $80m grant from Louisiana for mismanagement

Louisiana has lost an $80 million rural broadband grant for failing to keep their broadband expansion project on track. The Commerce Department rescinded the grant stating that the project administrators were repeatedly unresponsive to requests for information and updates on where the project stood. Senator Mary Landrieu has said that her state missed an opportunity,Read… Read more »