Project Management

California passes DREAM act

Illegal immigrants will be able to apply for state money to attend American universities in California thanks to a new law signed by California Governor Jerry Brown. Under the terms of the law, illegal immigrants who have attended school in California will be eligible to apply for Cal-Grant aid to continue their educations. Last yearRead… Read more »

Slides Available for CTC 2011: Court Technology Conference

Slides are available for many of the presentations given at CTC 2011: The 2011 Court Technology Conference (Twitter hashtag #ctc2011), held 4-6 October 2011 in Long Beach, California, USA. The presentations included: Dean Peter W. Martin of Cornell University Law School on Abandoning Law Reports for Official Digital Case Law; James E. McMillan of theRead… Read more »

New IARPA Program Aims To Discover Tech Trends

The Intelligence Community’s Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) office of “incisive analysis” has been evaluating plans, projects and proposals submitted in response to a broad solicitation of inputs on a very interesting construct. They have embarked on a new, smarter way of gleaning technology trends. We first learned publicly of this activity in 2010 whenRead… Read more »

PNNL Seeks Chief Cyber Security Research Scientist

Friends at PNNL have asked that we post information on a search they have underway for a chief scientist position focused on Cyber Security Research. PNNL is renowned for making contributions to the body of scientific knowledge surrounding high end enterprise IT and has long been involved in advanced cybersecurity research. This position will beRead… Read more »

Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from the Free PMP Exam Simulator at – The answer is at the very bottom: —————————— A project manager takes over a challenging two-month project to design a new sports car using CAD/CAM software. In the first project team meeting the project manager assures the teamRead… Read more »

Department of State’s Consular Systems and Technology: A Track Record of Innovation

The Office of Consular Systems and Technology (CST) leads the State Department‘s IT efforts. This is an amazing organization that has been delivering high quality, high throughput systems and solutions for years. This group really is our first line of defense against threat actors so we should all be thankful the team here performs atRead… Read more »