Project Management

Open states: Transparency for state governments using open data

Where do you start to standardize legislative information for all 50 United States? Blazing an open data trail for one state government isn’t easy, so shifting 50 must be nearly impossible. Or is it? The Open State Project is making progress towards the impossible—and closing in on the goal. When I first heard about thisRead… Read more »

Countdown signs coming to CTA bus shelters

The Chicago Transit Authority (IL) has started to install electronic countdown signs at its busiest bus shelters. The agency expects to have 150 LED signs in place by March 2012; signs should be available at 400 shelters by the following September. Project costs were shared by the Regional Transportation Authority ($1.8 million), CTA ($1.4 million),Read… Read more »

A Passion Project to Renew Our Enthusiasm – your vote needed

I’m hoping that my fellow GovLoopers can help a Govie out. I need your help to spread the awesome! I could use your vote – especially if you live in DC – for a side project I submitted to the GOOD Maker 30 day Challenge – a DC Passion Project. Voting closes this Thursday andRead… Read more »

Maryland’s broadband expansion goes live

The first major phase of Maryland’s broadband expansion project is now live, bringing high-speed broadband access to much of Southern Maryland. Charles County, St. Mary’s and Calvert County all have expanded access, bringing new services to subscribers throughout some of Maryland’s more rural areas. Governor O’Malley was on hand to mark the milestone, the GovernorRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: NIH Intramural Research Program

This weeks project of the week comes from the NIH. After more than two years in development, the new website for the Intramural Research Program at the National Institutes of Health launched, congrats to the NIH! Ben Chambers shared with us some information about the new website and the Intramural Research Program. Be sure toRead… Read more »

Enterprise Taxonomy: Wicked Problems

One of the interesting this about taxonomy work is that it exposes value systems and mental models of the participants. Take for instance a simple organizational design and development project. Various terms are thrown around in a casual manner and have different meanings depending upon your background. The term Business Function has been used toRead… Read more »

Enterprise Taxonomy: Wicked Problems

One of the interesting this about taxonomy work is that it exposes value systems and mental models of the participants. Take for instance a simple organizational design and development project. Various terms are thrown around in a casual manner and have different meanings depending upon your background. The term Business Function has been used toRead… Read more »