Project Management

What’s Important in Forest Planning?

The 2011 Proposed Planning Rule outlines and discusses the forest planning processes that Forest Service units must follow. If it is adopted, it will replace the 1982 Planning Rule. You haven’t seen the Proposed Rule? You can find it here –> So what’s important about it? Oh, don’t bore me with another academic comparisonRead… Read more »

GovBytes: NASA Offers Space Ringtones

NextGov reports that NASA has launched a new feature on its website – space ringtones. NASA fans can now download the sound of a space shuttle taking off, Neil Armstrong’s famous line, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” or “Houston we’ve had a problem.” NextGov reports: “NASA has been making historicRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Pentagon Accepts Alternative Energy Options

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus has announced that the Navy and Marine Corps will be shifting towards alternative energy to “make us better war fighters.” As the nation’s single biggest energy consumer, the Pentagon has many reasons to want to diversify its fuel sources. Mabus and others say the move toward alternative energy is about nationalRead… Read more »

A Chronicle of Enterprise Software History

Editor’s note: This post by Derek Singleton of Software Advice reviews more extensive work at: Origins of Modern Computing. At Software Advice we recently undertook an ambitious project. After spending countless hours analyzing modern enterprise resource planning (ERP) software developments, we decided to look into the past to understand how we got to where weRead… Read more »

Unbiased food icons? Harvard introduces alternatives to MyPyramid and MyPlate

This month, Harvard took a bold stand, declaring the USDA‘s food guide icons inadequate and out-of-date: For nearly two decades, the U.S. government distilled its nutrition advice into pyramids. These efforts didn’t accurately show people what makes up a healthy diet. Why? Their recommendations were based on out-of-date science and influenced by people with businessRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Gov Documents Go Digital

Starting today in Ottawa County, Michigan, citizens can access their government documents, such as their birth certificates, marriage licenses, property deeds and other records, from the Internet. Testing for the system has been in effect for the past month using a program called TrueCertify to help ensure security and encryption for these documents to preventRead… Read more »