Project Management

Top 10 tips for promoting channel shift

In July I presented at the SOCITM Building Perfect Council Websites 11 (BPCW11) in London on the topic of Channel Shift. The presentation was entitled “Is Developing Channels more Important than Promoting Shift?” Although the event was aimed primarily at Local Government, many of the concepts I presented are relevant to both Central and GovernmentRead… Read more »

NASPAA analysis of the Pathways Programs proposed regulations

October 4 UPDATE: NASPAA has posted the formal comments and recommendations we submitted for the proposed Pathways regulations. Here is NASPAA’s summary and analysis of the proposed regulations: Pathways Programs proposed regulations NASPAA’s summary and analysis On August 4, the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) released proposed regulations to set up the Pathways ProgramsRead… Read more »

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Me too. My apologies for the gap in my posting. I usually pump out 2-3 articles for you every week, but the last week and a half has been an exception. My Excuse It’s been one of those times when doing dual-duty as a Senior Systems Engineer and a Project Manager hit me all atRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Where Have All The Minutes Gone?

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. Have you ever received a cell phone bill and noticed a bundle of overage charges you weren’t anticipating? I know I have and then realized it wasRead… Read more »

The Evolving Enterprise Threat Environment

This won’t work anymore The second interview for IDG on Monday, September 12, featured Andrzej Kawalec, HP‘s CTO of Enterprise Security along with Bob Gourley. The two first discussed changes in the enterprise threat environment, which have been dramatic. They agreed on three major emerging challenges in enterprise cybersecurity. The first is simply the natureRead… Read more »

This Day in GovCon History, September 21: Maiden Flights of B-29 Superfortress, CH-47 Chinook Helicopter and XB-70 Valkyrie

This article was originally posted by my coworker Anthony Critelli September 21 marks the maiden flight of three different U.S. military aircraft made by Boeing or firms now part of Boeing: the B-29 Superfortress in 1942, the CH-47 Chinook transport helicopter in 1961 and the XB-70 Valkyrie strategic bomber in 1964. The Enola Gay madeRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Young and in Government

How can young leaders provide more support to their agencies without being in senior-level management positions? –Federal Supervisors (GS-14), Environmental Protection Agency This question reflects the can-do attitude and energetic approach that we need in government. Here’s the good news. Smart, senior leaders will be looking for people like you given the ever-expanding mission demands,Read… Read more »