Project Management

Advancing Thousands of Government Careers and Announcing

As jobless numbers look bleak and economic reports point to a deeper recession, we’ve been working hard here at GovLoop to help thousands of members to launch and advance in government careers. In fact, just as the U.S. Census reported that local and state government shed more than 200,000 jobs in 2010 and the overallRead… Read more »

The Titanic is for Turning

So. If you know me, you may have noticed some tweets lately about the appalling nature of the NHS. There have been two contributing factors to this, I must confess, the first which resulted in some scan results not being available from a sub-contractor the NHS were paying because the one person who had accessRead… Read more »

What we’re working on

A quick note to mention some of the projects Kind of Digital is working on. CiviCrowd This is the name we have given to our WordPress-powered ideas crowdsourcing platform. South Holland District Council are going to be using the service to encourage people to suggest ideas for projects that will help their communities. This willRead… Read more »

Government be Nimble?

Do you ever wish your agency was more nimble and adaptive? How can agility really change the way our government works? I just saw this great white paper from Deloitte that discusses the “Agility Nexus” and how it can help agencies be even more efficient. Learn more below and be sure to check out Deloitte’sRead… Read more »

Change by Us Seattle User No. 1

Jonathan Chen, manager of Danny Woo Garden is our user No. 1. Today the Code for America Seattle team has two big announcements. The first is that this morning we launched a beta version of Change by Us Seattle, a new application to support volunteerism. Change by Us is an online marketplace for community projects.Read… Read more »

Detroit, Macon & Philly Selected for CfA 2012

(Crossposted from the Knight Foundation Blog) As we are nearing the end of Code for America’s inaugural fellowship year, we’re excited to announce the forward-thinking city governments we will be partnering with in 2012. Today we’re honored to share that the cities of Detroit, Macon and Philadelphia have been selected as partners for the CodeRead… Read more »