Project Management

Fast and Furious Cleansing- by Joshua Jacobs

It seems well overdue but the head of the ATF and a pair of district attorneys have gotten the boot (call it resignations or a force out) after a Congressional investigation and appearances in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform finally forced the issue. It’s tough to avoid the story, again,Read… Read more »

GovLaunch: White House Announces “We the People”

The White House has announced a new way for citizens to petition the federal government to take action, through the “We the People” initiative. This is a really cool citizen engagement initiative coming out of the White House. Individuals will be able to either create or sign a petition and if they can get 5,00Read… Read more »

Air Force Information Technology and HP

As we wrap up a busy week at the Air Force Air Force Information Technology Conference (AFITC) in downtown Montgomery, Alabama, I’m excited to announce that HP has been selected once again to provide new workstations, desktop PCs and other products to the U.S. Air Force (USAF) as a part of its enterprise IT purchaseRead… Read more »

Audit of the VA’s Project Management Accountability System (PMAS) Implementation

By Dennis D. McDonald Here’s some light reading: the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs’ Office of the Inspector General’s “Audit of the Project Management Accountability System Implementation.” Known as “PMAS,” the system was put in place in 2009 to provide better oversight of the VA’s troubled IT development projects. This was done in light ofRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 23

Day 23 This morning we had our regular engineering staff meeting. It was a pretty typical meeting with GIS sharing what they were doing and then our engineers and technical staff letting us know the status of all the projects. After our meeting, we started driving the roads to determine their condition. We also spentRead… Read more »

Kansas says no to insurance exchange, refuses to comply on HCR

Following a rejection of $31.5 million in funds to build a health insurance exchange, Kansas made it clear yesterday that they will not be complying with federal heath care reform until the US Supreme Court makes a ruling on the constitutionality of the law. Earlier this month, the state was awarded $31.5 million in grantsRead… Read more »

5 Reasons Your Project Management Career Isn’t Moving (And What To Do About It!)

You’ve applied to everything that moves. You’ve polished your resume. You’re going for all the right job titles. You’ve pursued an advanced degree. You’re asking everybody if they are hiring and can get you ‘in’. You’re trying everything you know. But it’s not working. It’s frustrating, I know it is. I’ve been there. So why?Read… Read more »

New website uses crowdsourcing to solve transit problems

FixMyTransport is a new website that uses crowdsourcing to identify trouble spots on UK public transport services. Using the tag line “Euston we have a problem,” the site invites transit passengers to report issues, concerns, suggestions, and compliments. Once people post a report, the site forwards the information to the responsible agency and other siteRead… Read more »