Project Management

New app helps rural systems use GTFS format

The National Rural Transit Assistance Program announced a new cloud-based application to help transit agencies convert their route and schedule data into the General Transit Feed Specification. GTFS Builder provides rural transit systems with tools and training videos to help them put bus route and schedule data into the format required by Google Transit andRead… Read more »

Cornelius Fichtner PMP Exam Tip: What is the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control?

Many people have trouble understanding the difference between Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) as they are preparing for their PMP Exam. That is not surprising. The terms are very closely related and if you don’t work in the field, the difference doesn’t seem too obvious. Let’s first look at the PMBOK Guide definitionRead… Read more »


When I was six years-old, I learned BASIC on my Apple II+ and I learned to program with High-resolution graphics because I wanted to make Yoda and ET move across the screen. When I was 24 years-old, I bought my very first computer on my own: a brand new G3 266MHz minitower and I pickedRead… Read more »

Fresh Look at IT Program Manager Competencies

In all the hype about new technology, we often forget to talk about what government IT is mostly about – that’s project management. It’s about leading projects to solve problems and it’s pretty tough. Was cool to see OPM deliver the new competency program for IT program managers. The hardest part is defining what makesRead… Read more »

Are State Jobs Where it’s At?

It has been reported that 70% of the graduate in my masters program end up working for the federal government. I have seen this statistic become a reality, as many of my classmates have already secured employment with the State Department, GAO, and OMB. However, a professor of mine (commenting on the budgetary restrictions facingRead… Read more »

Why isn’t planning standard operating procedure?

This blog was originally posted on Deltek Vision Project profitability alone fuels growth for architecture and engineering firm growth – nothing else. So in theory, integrated planning (e.g. knowing the profitability of every project and the utilization of every revenue-contributing resource) should be in place at every firm. This in turn would be a standingRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Could and Should USPS Pull Out of FEHBP?

We all know by now that the U.S. Postal Service is struggling to get by. It lost $8.5 billion last year, and earlier this summer here on GovLoop we debated the merits of cutting back to 3- or 5-day mail delivery instead of the customary 6. Another solution being floated would involve disenrolling all postalRead… Read more »

California gets telehealth funding boost

15 community groups in California are getting a funding boost to support telehealth initiatives. UC Davis Health System and the California Telehealth Network (CTN) awarded nearly $5 million in grants to community groups throughout the state to help the implement telehealth projects. The awards were given through merit based process that required groups to showRead… Read more »

The Government Man and the Samplehog

My last blog was uncharacteristic of me. I’m more comfortable telling tall tales than doing political commentary but the extraordinary events surrounding the debt ceiling crisis put me over the edge. This week I revert back to the tales. Some of you might have noticed in prior blogs and commentaries just a hint of disdainRead… Read more »