Project Management

Boulder employers want workers to clock in on their commute

Hoping to receive a federal grant for WiFi on regional bus routes serving the US 36 corridor, Boulder (CO) officials are asking employers if they would allow workers to “clock in” while riding to work. ”Commute time can be work productivity time in transit,” said Audrey DeBarros, executive director of 36 Commuting Solutions, which wouldRead… Read more »

Day in the GovLife: Dr. Tony Wilhelm, NTIA Deputy Associate Administrator for Infrastructure

A Day In The GovLife is a series that profiles people in interesting or unusual government jobs and gets the scoop on what it’s like to be in that role and how you can get there. Day In The GovLife Interviewee: Tony Wilhelm Job: Deputy Associate Administrator for Infrastructure in the National Telecommunications and InformationRead… Read more »

The Passionate Minority

By Scott Silverman, 2011 CfA Fellow As the debt ceiling gets a little higher, and schools around the country continue to struggle with budget cuts, Chrystia Freeland has proclaimed that 2011 will be “The Year We Gave Up On Government.” Her piece furthers economist Albert O. Hirschman’s conclusion that as frustration with a firm, organization,Read… Read more »

A complete Value Case for projects

What seems to be one of the hardest tasks for technical (I.T.) staff is developing a business case for a project or documenting the actual benefits that occur after deployment. Investment Strategies for Information Systems (ISIS) from IBM and Rapid Economic Justification (REJ) from Microsoft are methodologies that guide someone in the creation of aRead… Read more »

Just completed my third fantasy novel

Having done eight mysteries, two books on leadership, and two fantasy mynovels, I tried hand at conyemporary urban fantasy. I also decided to give Barnes and Noble’s new Nook program a try. “Wallace in Underland” for the Nook is at Nook software is also available for use on PC or Mac for those who’dRead… Read more »

This is HOT: Open data for humanitarian relief

This article was originally published on It’s HOT in Haiti, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, and other nations around the world. Why? Because Kate Chapman, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), and many volunteers are improving local economies and creating an open map of the world. At SouthEast LinuxFest, held earlier this year, I learned about HumanitarianRead… Read more »