Project Management

PMP Certification: The 4 Pillars

For anyone who is interested in learning more about and pursuing the PMP certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI) there are some elements which are essential to focus on. Do not go and purchase training if you haven’t yet figured out what the exam is all about and if you even want to pursueRead… Read more »

Memphis adds digital signs at trolley stops

The Memphis Area Transit Authority (TN) is installing digital signs at its trolley stops as part of a systemwide $10 million information technology project. When operational this fall, the signs will display the date, time, expected arrival time, and information about service delays and interruptions. Other ITS upgrades include global positioning systems for buses, passengerRead… Read more »

Solar City

With solar energy gaining popularity, cities require ways to measure the potential benefits of implementation. Solar City is a web-based application that uses Esri mapping software to calculate solar potential for rooftops. The project aims to raise awareness about the potential use of solar panels in your neighborhood and community. With this tool, basic calculationsRead… Read more »

RTA revokes staff credit cards

The Regional Transportation Authority (IL), which oversees transit services in greater Chicago, has revoked credit card privileges for most employees after a high-ranking official apparently used her card for personal expenses. The charges were considered accidental, and the agency was reimbursed, but the agency decided it was time for a change. “It’s kind of handyRead… Read more »

HHS releases much-anticipated insurance exchange proposed rulemaking

Deltek Analyst Stephen Moss reports. On July 11, 2011, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released two notices of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) related to state health insurance exchanges. One of the NPRMs provides guidance on the establishment of the exchanges by outlining federal requirements for states that elect to establish their own exchange,Read… Read more »

How Stunning Storytelling Can Advance Your Career (FREE Online Training)

More than 230 GovLoopers have responded to a challenge from Dave Dejewski to explain what they do in 7 words or less and Jeffrey Levy has asked: “Can you tweet what you offer an employer?” While the responses are clever, you’ve got to wonder if 7 words or 140 characters are enough to tell yourRead… Read more »

How To Connect With People In Your Target Organizations

In my Project Management Career newsletter, one of the recurring themes I cover is targeting organizations instead of just focusing on a specific job title. In my experience, throwing applications and resumes out to job boards is the least effective approach, but unfortunately it’s all most people do. I received this response after relaying myRead… Read more »