Project Management

Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from The Free PMP Exam Simulator at – The answer is at the very bottom: —————————— You are the project manager of a project that is in its early phase. You need to estimate the duration of implementing the project. Based on your experience with similarRead… Read more »

SLA 2011: KM Cafe: Competencies and Careers

Thanks to Ken Wheaton, SLA PNW President-Elect 2011, Web Services Librarian, Alaska State Court System, for this guest post about the KM Café on Competencies and Careers held at the SLA 2011 Annual Conference & Info-Expo on Monday, June 13th from 4:00- 5:30 PM. Cafés and unconferences bring a new spin to conference attendance andRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Should Communities Be Forced To Share Fingerprints With The Feds?

David Raths of Government Technology reported recently on an interesting question: Should state and local governments be allowed to “opt out” of a controversial DHS program that automatically shares criminals’ fingerprints with federal immigration officials? The program, called “Secure Communities,” suffers from confusion about whether governments get to choose if they want to be involvedRead… Read more »

Book excerpt: What does web 2.0 mean for the government?

Recently, the Dutch Civil Servant 2.0 books have been translated in English. Steve asked me to post some excerpts from my books on Govloop. This is the beginning of chapter 5 in the first book (from 2008!), where I try to project the web 2.0 change onto government, governmental organisations and civil servants. What doesRead… Read more »

Federal Mentoring Roundtable: Diversity, Leadership, Mentoring and You

Last week, I was excited to roll out GovLoop’s brand new, first-of-its-kind, government-wide mentoring program. In just one week, over 70 mentors have signed up! Thank you to everyone who’s signed up so far – and it’s not too late for more mentors to come on board. We’d love to have 150 mentors on theRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Don’t TXT, JST DRV.

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. How many times have we dealt with a similar scenario to this: You are headed into work or on a long trip and the phone goes off.Read… Read more »

In Business as in Sport: Straight Sets of Training and Professional Development

Jason Novosel, Novo Horizons Management Training, our guest blogger gave me a quote this morning: “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” (George Horace Lorimer). I thought this would be a good day to look south to my Australian colleague for his answers onRead… Read more »

The Evolution of Team Synergy: Transforming Parts into Partners

That the term “synergy” keeps showing up on my mental radar and calendar is not surprising. But yesterday, I experienced the “mother nature” variation. Meandering along the banks of the Chagrin River, 20 miles east of Cleveland, I stepped off the heavily wooded path at the confluence point of two streaming tributaries. Walking along aRead… Read more »