Project Management

Two New Global Renewable Energy Studies

Vestas Wind Systems A/S, a global leader in wind energy, recently announced the release of two studies that will help move consumers and corporations towards an increased use of renewable energy. The reports are free to the public and provide an interesting read for those interested in renewable energy on a global scale: Corporate RenewableRead… Read more »

What Is A WBS?

Great question from Bill today about what a WBS is and how it’s used in planning project scope: Hello Josh Please clarify something for me. I am only into chapter 7 of WBS Coach so if it is explained later please forgive me. From what I have read so far it seems that the WBSRead… Read more »

Metro-North gives quiet cars a try

Last month MTA Metro-North Railroad (NY) joined NJ TRANSIT to launch First In, Last Out, a program to designate quiet cars on commuter rail trains serving Hoboken station. If that experiment works out, Metro-North will begin a quiet car trial on the New Haven, Harlem, and Hudson lines. While quiet car programs tend to beRead… Read more »

Stepping It Up

When thinking about new areas for research or working on a new project there are a few factors that are worth considering. At the Make it Local event, Jon Kingsbury advised we should be looking into services that are shaped with people in mind, as this will mean gaining the maximum use from applied data.Read… Read more »

MA Veteran and Family Portal RFP

The Massachusetts Broadband Institute just released an RFP to develop and implement the Massachusetts Veterans and Family Portal to help untangle information about benefits and services for veterans and their families in MA. The MBI has embarked on this project in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Veterans Services and the Home Base Program, aRead… Read more »

Top Ten Long-Term Trends of Cleantech in the United States

This article originally appeared on the Clean Techies blog and is “reprinted” with permission of the author. In the last decade, the United States have been continuing to decrease its dependence on fossil fuels by investing into clean technologies, including renewable energy and energy efficiency. Because of such, the United States has been able toRead… Read more »

Summer Reading

I read two strong books last week, and when someone remarked on the quality of my recommendations, I thought I remembered they were found on a blog post. Sure enough, they were the first two picks on Seth Godin’s Summer Reading List. Steven Pressfield’s The Profession is a near future social fantasy, much like Makers.Read… Read more »

Creating the Change Management Communications Plan

It has been a while since my last blog. A combination of heavy travel and recovering from surgery on a torn Achilles tendon has caused me to re-adjust my schedule. It’s good to be back. In this week’s entry we will discuss developing the change management (CM) communications plan. As discussed in previous blogs, communicationRead… Read more »