Project Management

Finger Pointers Need to Look in the Mirror

How many times have we been in situations where we think, “if this person would just . . .” It doesn’t matter if it is a coworker or a spouse we know the issue at hand could be easily addressed if the other party would just do something different. Our frustration rises as we lookRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Is the U.S. Senate Passing the Buck?

These days, it’s pretty common to hear that we’ve lost sight of what the Founding Fathers intended. A frequent criticism is that Congress is guilty of “overreaching” into areas more legitimately the province of states and localities or the federal executive branch. So it’s interesting that some lawmakers are willingly relinquishing one of the powersRead… Read more »

Protecting Your Cell Phone

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. It’s a great feeling to get a new phone. It’s like a fresh start. It’s like a new relationship. It takes getting used to, but it’s exciting.Read… Read more »

Teleseminars, Stage Fright and More

Webinars are often used in the business training environment, but it is a newer version of that webinar idea with a host that is taking over when it comes to online/teleconferencing training: the teleseminar, which can be used to provide information, training, or promote or sell products to group of people interested in a particularRead… Read more »

Three from USDOT

Three stories from the U.S. Department of Transportation today — LaHood on YouTube, new grants for green transit, and a big loan for Amtrak. Secretary Ray LaHood’s latest installment of On the Go is on YouTube. This month LaHood tackles viewer questions about livability, sustainability, and traffic safety. Next, the Federal Transit Administration announced thatRead… Read more »

Legal Information / Communication Issues in the FCC Media Report, “Information Needs of Communities”

A number of legal information and legal communication issues are discussed in the U.S. Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC’s) recent report on the state of U.S. media, entitled Information Needs of Communities: The Changing Media Landscape in a Broadband Age (2011). The report’s findings cover the following legal information / communication issues: In recent years, whileRead… Read more »

PMP Exam Tip: Cost of Nonconformance

There are two separate components within Cost of Quality (COQ). We looked at the Cost of Conformance in our last tip and this time we’ll focus on the Cost of Nonconformance. The Cost of Conformance is focused on avoiding potential failures and the Cost of Nonconformance is the cost incurred as a result of anyRead… Read more »

“Hawo’s Dinner Party” Video

“Hawo’s Dinner Party” is a resource to support conversations and actions around building bridges between refugees from Muslim majority countries and receiving communities in the U.S. in the lead up to the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. This 30-minute DVD will serve as a tool for service providers, grassroots community groups and employers nationwide that areRead… Read more »