Project Management

CfA Summer Kick-off: DJ Patil, Ev Williams, and Jason Goldman Come to CfA

Last week, CfA kicked off its summer internship program with two notable visits: DJ Patil, Chief of Product at Color, and Ev Williams and Jason Goldman formerly of Twitter. Both talks offered unique insights about technology, entrepreneurship, and social change. Patil shared his broad range of experiences in academia, government, and tech — highlighting keyRead… Read more » Assessment on “What You Need To Know About Hadoop”

More data is being produced than we can analyze!, a subsidiary of the technology research, consulting and services firm Crucial Point LLC and a peer site of, has just published a white paper providing context, tips and strategies around Hadoop titled “What You Need To Know About Hadoop.” This paper provides a clearRead… Read more »

15 Ways to Make Today Awesome

1. Get another cup of coffee 2. Clear all the clutter off your desk 3. Allow yourself 15 minutes to cruise around the internet and find the next place you want to travel to (personally, I’d vote for Scotland) 4. Write a blog post – even if only half-baked – and make it live 5.Read… Read more »

Kitchen (and Other) Nightmares – Mark Leheney

In the embarrassing-admissions department, I have to confess I sometimes watch Kitchen Nightmares, that show in which the acerbic Gordon Ramsay (poster child for Thinking versus Feeling in the MBTI) shreds a failing restaurant along the way to rebuilding it into something successful. The predictable sequence is: Gordon enters the disaster zone, dissects what isRead… Read more »

Early innovator states not racing to the finish line

Deltek Health Care and Social Services Analyst Aila Altman reports. Despite receiving millions of dollars in federal funding to get a leg up on developing federally-mandated health insurance exchanges, several Early Innovator Grant recipients continue to battle health care reform law. In total, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded $241 millionRead… Read more »

RationalPlan Project Management Software 3.22 Is Available With Stronger Server Privacy Options

RationalPlan project management suite version 3.22 added support for custom roles and rights for its Project Server module and the possibility for users to work from different timezone locations world wide. More reporting capabilities, easier to use and more intuitive interface, improved Microsoft Project integration and many more useful features were added. All these alsoRead… Read more »

This Day in GovCon History, June 16, 1911: A Century of IBM Incorporation

Authored by Anthony Critelli June 16, 1911, was the founding of government contractor and corporate giant IBM. The company was formed via the merger of Tabulating Machine Company, Computing Scale Company of America and International Time Recording Company into Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) by trust organizer Charles F. Flint. Though the company is celebrating a centuryRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Outcomes vs. Intentions

Between a GOP debate, a Stanley Cup final (and ensuing riots in Vancouver) and a Senator resigning in disgrace, one disturbing story has gone relatively overlooked. The Washington Post’s Walter Pincus is reporting that at least 85 American clinics in Iraq are suffering from X-ray radiation leaks… and have been for the past four years.Read… Read more »

The Perception of Success is Largely a Matter of Lowering Expectations – John Kinser

“Dad, just so you know… I think I probably failed the test, may drop the class, ruin my GPA, loose the scholarship for the summer, and it’s the end of the world as we know it!” Most every family has one, an over-achiever that makes the rest of us look like slackers. In my familyRead… Read more »