Project Management

Modernization of Anti-Fraud Efforts Gaining Steam

Deltek’s Manager of State and Local Industry Analysis Chris Dixon reports. Back in 2009, INPUT forecast that reducing $67 billion in waste, fraud, and abuse (or “improper payments” in the federal parlance) by state-administered federal programs would be a major initiative between 2009 and 2014. Recent proclamations by the Obama administration have bolstered our predictionRead… Read more »

How GitHub Saved OpenSource

For a long time I’ve been thinking about just how much Github has revolutionized open source. Yes, it has made managing the code base significantly easier but its real impact has likely been on the social aspects of managing open source. Github has rebooted how the innovation cycle in open source while simultaneously raising theRead… Read more »

Paper is NOT Transparent – The Role of Document Management in Open Government

Difficult budget times produce changes in government. One trend that I have been watching with interest is the drive to use IT to help government be more transparent. Before computers were found in government, a “paper trail” was considered good government because transactions and government decisions could be reviewed and reconstructed using files for theRead… Read more »

28 June PublicForum (free) on Know Thy Communications Style

“Know Thy Communication Style” Using Smart Conversations® to speak your truth and enhance all of your relationships A PublicForum Webinar Tuesday, 28 June 2011, 12:00 Eastern (New York) / 16:00 GMT (60 minute webinar with optional 30 minute Q&A) Free for Circle Club members $20 USD for nonmembers Registrants receive access to the session recordingRead… Read more »

Maybe one of the reasons why “social” is scary to public sector folk

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the opportunities and challenges of all things social within my council and the wider public sector and wondering what it is that might be at the root of some of the fears or issues people have around embracing or adopting social within the mainstream operations of the organisation.Read… Read more »

SF Summer of Smart

We’re thrilled to be based out of the SoMA area of San Francisco, a hotbed for tech startups (where keeping tabs on new companies is as easy as searching for a new wireless network). Almost everyday, it seems, there’s a new company with a new product and a new possibility for impact. And this isRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: GSA’s Data Center Services

There’s a lot of talk about data center consolidation in government these days, including an interactive data center map announced by Federal CIO Vivek Kundra last week. With all of the proposed changes, we thought it would be useful to highlight the services being offered by GSA. Check out our interview below. 1. Provide aRead… Read more »