Project Management

Geneva’s Great Land Adventure

Several months ago, I read some blog posts about frustration with Gov 2.0 not doing enough and a few other posts with offers from people interested in working for free for experience. The two seemingly unrelated topics got me wondering: How could our city use Gov 2.0 to offer job opportunities to people just lookingRead… Read more »

The Program on Intergroup Relations Publications

The Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR) is a social justice education program on the University of Michigan’s Ann Arbor campus. As a joint venture of the College of Literature, Science, and Arts and the Division of Student Affairs, IGR works proactively to promote understanding of intergroup relations inside and outside of the classroom. Multidisciplinary coursesRead… Read more »

Designing Digitally, Inc. Wins 2011 Air Force Research Lab Virtual World Contract

Teaching students how to build airplanes, robots and simulations is serious business, but Designing Digitally, Inc. plans to make it a game — literally. Designing Digitally, Inc., the web-based training firm that specializes in E-learning, virtual worlds, and 3D simulations, was recently awarded a 2011 Air Force Virtual World contract from the United States AirRead… Read more »

What’s so smart about Smartsheet?

Have you ever needed to turn in a report or spreadsheet on how well you or your team performedon a particular task/project? How well were you able to portray your efforts in terms of efficency and quantity? For instance, if you are a manager of a helpdesk, creating a spreadsheet that shows the amount ofRead… Read more »

A-133 Compliance Supplement Is Here!

Finally, the Office of Management and Budget has released the 2011 Circular A-133 audit guidance document. As usual, new programs have been added, other programs have been deleted, and individual program descriptions have been updated. In addition, OMB has added guidance and references relating to Transparency Act reporting, and clarified reporting requirements and auditors’ responsibilitiesRead… Read more »

NYC small business services adds e-licensing

New York City’s Department of Small Business Services (SBS) will now be able to offer more online processing for business licensing and certification applications. The agency receives more than 1,200 applications each year for minority- and women-owned businesses across the city and will be working with Accela Automation software to provide a faster an easierRead… Read more »

No more free rides for Chicago-area seniors

Free transit rides for most seniors will end on September 1, when the Regional Transportation Authority (IL) implements changes to the Seniors Ride Free program introduced when Rod Blagojevich was governor. According to The Chicago Tribune, about 415,000 seniors will transition from the free passes to half-price fares on Chicago-area fixed-route bus and rail services.Read… Read more »

Localism needs bespoke, not scale

David Wilcox does his usual excellent summarising and commenting job on the latest snafu involving BIG Lottery funding and the internet. It’s all about a grant of £1.89 million to the Media Trust, to fund the establishment of “connected news hubs around the UK to support citizen journalism and to help communities and charities getRead… Read more »

Armstead’s Experience Helps Guide Big GWACs

Mary Armstead, Program Director for the NIH Information Technology and Assessment Center (NITAAC) at the National Institutes of Health, has been a Fed for 38 years. But that doesn’t mean she’s become jaded or cynical – quite the opposite. She’s enthusiastic about her job and works hard to mentor people with less experience or whoRead… Read more »