Project Management

Recruitment 411: Private industry tips for public agencies – Part II

This is the second part of a series inspired by Susan Ward’s article on featuring “Ten tips for attracting employees.” I am responding to Susan’s tips for business owners with my take about how government agencies can use them to promote their jobs. 6. Offer employees some way to move upwards. It’s not thatRead… Read more »

GovLooper’s – Please Assist in a survey for a new Course

I am currently working on a new and exciting project at AIIM. I am curious to know what you would be interested in buying as courseware if we were to offer additional training and certification under our educational programs. I would like to know if you would be interested in certain topics. As such, IRead… Read more »

Fairfax County Public Schools approves $252M for architecture, engineering, construction and IT

INPUT’s Director of State and Local Information Services Tim Brett reports on Fairfax County, Virginia’s capital improvement plan. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) proposed accelerating the renovation schedule for many schools in its FY 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) due to lower construction costs. Favorable market conditions and lower than estimated construction bids have madeRead… Read more »

Sustainable Facilites Tool from the GSA

Learn. Plan. Evaluate. Implement. Share. The GSA has a great green buildings tool called the Sustainable Facilities Tool. The tool walks you through the 5 steps listed above. With each step the interactive site helps you create a sustainable office space, and when you’re done you can share your project with other Sustainable Facilities ToolRead… Read more »

There is No Box: Uncertain Times Demand RAPID Innovation!

“Every act of creation is first an act of destruction“.– Pablo Picasso Conventional wisdom has been summarily discarded during these unprecedented times. Government leaders accustomed to relying on traditional tools to remedy temporary financial blips – increasing taxes while cutting expenses – have experienced a sobering realization that the current climate in most places aroundRead… Read more »

The New Wave of Eligibility Systems

INPUT Analyst Kate Tussey reports on eligibility systems. In case you missed the boat, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) includes several key technology pieces that states must implement by 2014. One with noticeable emphasis is designing streamlined, consumer-friendly eligibility and enrollment systems for health insurance exchanges, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). ToRead… Read more »

Up Up and Away

Interesting post by Deloitte on the transformation of Air Transport. Wanted to share with you all: Originally posted by Deloitte Public Sector Transforming the Air Transportation System A business case for program acceleration The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union EUROCONTROL air transportation system (ATS) agencies are in the process of modernizingRead… Read more »